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Default is 18088. **Enable UTF8 Connections** (eserver.cfg setting **UTFPort_Disabled**): select whether UTF8 connections will also be allowed. **Port Number for UTF8 Connections** (eserver.cfg setting **UTFPortNumber**): If UTF8 connections are allowed, this field specifies the port number the engine server will “listen” on for UTF8 requests. **Maximum Number of Engines** (eserver.cfg setting **MaxEngines**): Specifies the maximum number of oengines that the engine server can start up (0=unlimited). Default is 10. **Maximum Number of Simultaneous Connections** (eserver.cfg setting **MaxConnections**): Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the engine server (0=unlimited). Default is 0. **Idle Timeout** (eserver.cfg setting **IdleTimeout**): Specifies the time (in minutes) after which an idle oengine will be shut down by the engine server. Default is 15. **Frequency of check for idle engines** (eserver.cfg setting **IdleCheck**): Specifies the time (in seconds) between checks by the engine server for idle engines, MaxUpTime engines, and MaxRunTime engines. Default is 60. **Maximum time an engine should remain in memory** (eserver.cfg setting **MaxUpTime**): Specifies the maximum amount of time (in minutes) an Oengine should be allowed to stay active in memory (not necessarily running that entire time, just not idle long enough to trigger the idle timeout when it _is_ idle). Default is 0, which means “unlimited”. Note that the idlecheck value will also be used to determine the frequency of the MaxUpTime checks. **Maximum time an engine can run a request** (eserver.cfg setting **MaxRunTime**): Specifies the maximum amount of time (in minutes) that an oengine should be allowed to run a particular process before it’s considered “hung” and forcibly terminated. Default is 0, which means “unlimited”. Note that the idlecheck value will also be used to determine the frequency of the MaxRunTime checks. (eserver.cfg setting **MaxNumToClose**): The maximum number of oengines to close at one time. Default is “0”, which is unlimited. If there are more oengines that need to be closed, they will be closed during the next idle check. This value is designed to help “stagger” the logging on and off of OEngines. **Default encoding** (eserver.cfg setting **Encoding**): Specify the encoding used for ansi communication. The default is 8859_1. The default (8859_1) is appropriate for most sites. **Control Password** (eserver.cfg setting **ControlPassword**): Specify the new password to use to control access to the eserver.cfg. **Keep alive abandoned engines** (eserver.cfg setting **KeepAlive**): Set to “1” if telnet sessions that are dropped should be kept alive as “zombie processes” (with the possibility of being reattached”), or “0” if sessions that are dropped should be terminated. Note that this only applies to telnet sessions. Default value is “0”. **Allowed OpenInsight folders** (eserver.cfg setting **OILocations**): Specifies one or more folders the engine server is allowed to start an oengine in (when a client makes a connection, it can request that the oengine be started in a different folder; that different folder must be specified in the OILocations value). An asterisk (“*”) means all locations are allowed. The default value is null, which means only the current directory is allowed. {{OIC_116.jpg?1024x787}} The engine server can provide web server functionality to serve up static (HTML) and dynamic (O4W) output directly, without requiring Microsoft IIS or Apache. The web server (based on the open-source Jetty server) intentionally provides limited functionality, designed to handle the OI Console and less-heavily-loaded O4W sites with an easy to manage and configure system. **Enabled Web Server** (eserver.cfg setting **WebServer_Disabled**): Select to enable or disable the built-in web server functionality. **Port Number for HTTP requests** (eserver.cfg setting **WebServerPortNumber**): If the web server functionality is enabled, this is the port number on which the web server should “listen.” Default value is 18888. **Name to use in URL to identify host** (eserver.cfg setting **WebServerCGIProcedure**): When using IIS or Apache, clients normally use OECGI3.EXE or OECGI4.EXE (or OECGI3P.PHP or OECGI4P.PHP) to initiate the CGI request that communicates between the web server and the engine server. Since, in this case, the engine server is acting //as// the web server, there is no actual cgi routine needed to perform the communication. However, the web server must still know when a request is for a static (HTML) page, versus a dynamic (CGI) page, so that it can be properly processed. The WebServerCGIProcedure specifies the name in the url that signifies this is a dynamic page, and thus this should be processed as though it were coming from the cgi procedure. Multiple values may be specified, semicolon delimited. By default, this value is oecgi4.exe;oecgi3.exe **Default Connection Details** (eserver.cfg setting **WebServerConnection_default**): Specifies all the default values needed to “connect” to an OEngine. This list of settings includes application name, user name, password, startup flag, shutdown flag, “listener” routine name, engine name, OI folder, file upload mode, file upload path, and “failure page” URL. These values are identical to those used in the registry for the actual OECGI3/OECGI4. **Virtual Directories** (eserver.cfg setting **WebServerVirtualDirs**): A list of the “virtual directories” that the web server should recognize. These are comparable to the “virtual directories” that are set up in IIS, for example. For each virtual directory, you will need to specify all the values needed to “connect” to an OEngine. This list of settings includes application name, user name, password, startup flag, shutdown flag, “listener” routine name, engine name, OI folder, file upload mode, file upload path, and “failure page” URL. These values are identical to those used in the registry for the actual OECGI3/OECGI4. In addition, you will specify the “default page” (the name of the html document to return if no specific page is specified), and the full path to the actual folder that the virtual directory represents. {{OIC_117.jpg?1024x622}} The engine server can collect statistics on the requests and responses it generates. In order to prevent the collection of statistics from impacting on performance, these statistics may be processed by a different engine server (one that is not being used to handle real-time production requests, for example). Any engine server can be configured as a “receiver” of statistics information from another server, a “producer” of statistics for consumption by another engine server, or both a receiver and producer (which is most appropriate for less heavily-loaded systems). **Enable Statistics Receiver** (eserver.cfg setting **Statistics_Input_Disabled**): Select whether or not this engine server should be able to receive statistics information. **Port Number to Use as a Statistics Listener** (eserver.cfg setting **Statistics_Input**): If statistics receiving is enabled, this is the port number to use when acting as a statistics receiver. **Directory for Storage as a Statistics Listener** (eserver.cfg setting **Statistics_Directory**): The directory (which may be a full path) where the statistics information will be written. The default is “stats” (ie, a relative path under the OI folder named “stats”). **Number of Days to Retain as a Statistics Listener** (eserver.cfg setting **Statistics_Days**): The number of days of statistics information to retain. Default is 14. **Enable Statistics Production** (eserver.cfg setting **Statistics_Output_Disabled**): Select whether or not this engine server should produce statistical information. **URL and Port Number of Listener** (eserver.cfg setting **Statistics_Output**): If this engine server is generating statistics information, this is the URL and port number (colon-delimited) of the statistics _receiver_ this statistics _producer_ should be sending the output to. **ID to Send as a Statistics Producer** (eserver.cfg setting **Statistics_ID**): The unique short identifier that should be used to identify the statistics coming from this engine server. This is only important if multiple engine server statistic producers are all sending their information to a single statistic receiver. Default is “01”. {{OIC_118.jpg?1024x605}} The engine server can communicate with individual OpenInsight desktop clients via the “command channel.” This will allow for management of the desktop clients from the central server. **Enable Command Chat** (eserver.cfg setting **CommandPort_Disabled**): Select whether the command port functionality is enabled. **Port Number for Command Requests** (eserver.cfg setting **CommandPort**): The port number that will be used for the “command chat”. Default is 18889. {{OIC_119.jpg?1024x675}} The engine server can run various processes automatically, for system maintenance, initialization, etc. Some of these processes run only one time (AutoRun and RunFirst), creating their own OEngines, running, and then terminating those OEngines. Others run at a specified interval (SystemMonitor), again creating their own background OEngines, running, and then terminating. Still others run in any OEngine that has been started in response to a client request (StartupProc, ShutdownProc, and TimerProc). **Settings for AutoRun** (eserver.cfg setting **AutoRun**): If specified, this is a list of routine name, application name, user name, and password, which specifies the routine to run (and where to run that routine) when the engine server initially starts up. **Settings for RunFirst** (eserver.cfg setting **RunFirst**): If specified, this is a list of routine name, application name, user name, and password, which specifies the routine to run (and where to run that routine) when the very first OEngine is created. **Frequency of System Monitor Processing** (eserver.cfg setting **SystemMonitorTime**): The time (in seconds) between invocations of background processes. Default is 60. **System Monitor Processes** (eserver.cfg setting **SystemMonitor**): list of processes to run at a regular interval (as specified in SystemMonitorTime) Each entry consists of the procedure name, application name, user name, and password (comma-delimited). **Name of Startup Routine** (eserver.cfg setting **StartupProc**): The name of the stored procedure to run when an OEngine starts up. **Name of Shutdown Routine** (eserver.cfg setting **ShutdownProc**): The name of the stored procedure to run when an OEngine shuts down. **Name of Timer Routine** (eserver.cfg setting **TimerProc**) : The name of the stored procedure to run every time the “idle check” is run. {{OIC_120.jpg?1024x608}} The engine server can generate more verbose output to aid in debugging and diagnostics. This information can be displayed on-screen, when the engine server is run via the java command line, or captured to a file. **Default debug level** (eserver.cfg setting **DebugLevel**): A number indicating the amount of detail the diagnostic output should display. Higher numbers indicate more output (0=none). **Debug output file** (eserver.cfg setting **DebugFile**): The full path and file name of the output file the diagnostic information should be recorded in. **Debug history length** (eserver.cfg setting **DebugHistoryLength**): The maximum number of lines of output that should be stored. guides/o4w/eserver.txt Last modified: 2023/07/24 13:14by