Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ===== Building OpenInsight 10 Blog ==== === Posts through 31 December 2023 === All blog content copyright [[|The Sprezzatura Group]]. Reproduced by permission of The Sprezzatura Group. Further reproduction, distribution or transmission is prohibited, except as otherwise permitted by law. [[|Click here to visit the Building OpenInsight 10 blog for the most recent posts...]] ==== 2023 ==== [[20431.6644907407|WEBVIEW object documentation (Published 08 DEC 2023)]] [[20352.5268865741|Migration tool updates in OpenInsight 10.2.1 (Published 20 SEP 2023)]] ==== 2022 ==== [[20037.6917824074|Profile logging updates in OpenInsight 10.2 (Published 09 NOV 2022)]] [[20028.5947800926|EditTables - The CELLPOSCHANGED event (Published 31 OCT 2022)]] [[19987.6046412037|Migration tool updates in OpenInsight 10.2 (Published 20 SEP 2022)]] [[19982.6447453704|ListBoxes and TreeListBoxes - "in-place" editing (Published 15 SEP 2022)]] [[19981.7827199074|The HTTPSERVER control (Published 14 SEP 2022)]] [[19981.7319907407|String comparison in OpenInsight - Part 4 - String-Only operators (Published 14 SEP 2022)]] [[19981.5375578704|EditTables - Getting multi-select data the easy way (Published 14 SEP 2022)]] ==== 2021 ==== [[19723.7960416667|The DIRWATCHER control (Published 30 DEC 2021)]] [[19723.5744907407|Yield or Die! (Published 30 DEC 2021)]] [[19665.6260648148|The Case of the Extra Pixel (Published 02 NOV 2021)]] [[19661.5315740741|The Case of the Jumping Dialog (Published 29 OCT 2021)]] [[19660.9545023148|RList Interrupted (Published 28 OCT 2021)]] [[19654.5074652778|PDF files and the FILEPREVIEW control (Published 22 OCT 2021)]] [[19639.9815509259|Indexing Transactions in OI10 (Published 07 OCT 2021)]] [[19639.6080439815|RList eXtended - New features for OpenInsight 10.1 (Published 07 OCT 2021)]] [[19554.5831134259|The Saga of ShellExecute (Published 14 JUL 2021)]] [[19549.7503819444|Methods, Events, and Documentation (Published 09 JUL 2021)]] [[19534.6382060185|Reordering tabs with the AllowDragReorder property (Published 24 JUN 2021)]] [[19531.6079976852|Screenshots with the CAPTUREIMAGE method (Published 21 JUN 2021)]] [[19519.9939814815|Context Menu updates (Published 09 JUN 2021)]] [[19517.4404513889|The SHOWDATABINDING method (Published 07 JUN 2021)]] [[19498.5202430556|String comparison in OpenInsight - Part 3 - Linguistic Mode (Published 19 MAY 2021)]] [[19497.6085300926|String comparison in OpenInsight - Part 2 - UTF8 Mode (Published 18 MAY 2021)]] [[19497.4972222222|String comparison in OpenInsight - Part 1 - ANSI Mode (Published 18 MAY 2021)]] [[19492.8137847222|Implementing a Dropdown Panel dialog (Published 13 MAY 2021)]] [[19492.0190393519|Resizing the RevEngine window (Published 13 MAY 2021)]] [[19491.6945023148|The IMAGE Object API (Redux) (Published 12 MAY 2021)]] [[19491.5027662037|Databinding in the Form Designer (Published 12 MAY 2021)]] [[19490.6184375|LocateC, GSClear and Expendable (Published 11 MAY 2021)]] [[19490.5747106481|A tour around the updated IDE Database Toolpanel (Published 11 MAY 2021)]] ==== 2020 ==== [[19146.6640972222|Menu Designer update in v10.0.8 (Published 01 JUN 2020)]] [[19146.4933333333|What's "this"? (Published 01 JUN 2020)]] [[19033.6356712963|OpenInsight 10 and QuickEvent Processing (Published 09 FEB 2020)]] [[19030.6375694444|What is the ENDDIALOG event? (Published 06 FEB 2020)]] [[19003.7497800926|EditTables - The COLUMNS Sub-Object (Part 1) (Published 10 JAN 2020)]] [[19003.7351736111|Loading the IDE in v10.0.8 (Published 10 JAN 2020)]] [[19003.6154166667|OLE Control improvements in v10.0.8 (Published 10 JAN 2020)]] [[19003.5549421296|Using Evaluate Notes in the IDE - making a "To-Do" list (Published 10 JAN 2020)]] [[19001.5428703704|EditTables - Coloring cells with the CELLSTYLES property (Published 08 JAN 2020)]] [[19001.526099537|Login Dialog Customization (Published 08 JAN 2020)]] [[19001.5029513889|Adding Custom Properties in the Form Designer (Published 08 JAN 2020)]] ==== 2019 ==== [[18848.6916319444|A focus on the FOCUS property (Published 08 AUG 2019)]] [[18828.0887384259|Coloring your tabs with the ITEMSTYLE property (Published 19 JUL 2019)]] [[18827.6191203704|Tracking the SAVEWARN property (Published 18 JUL 2019)]] [[18797.6599305556|Extended Precision Mode (Published 18 JUN 2019)]] ==== 2018 ==== [[18380.4013194444|EditTables - The Sub-Object Interface (Published 27 APR 2018)]] [[18377.0180439815|EditTables - The new "CELL" events (Published 24 APR 2018)]] [[18373.4527777778|EditTables - Deleting and Inserting Rows (Published 20 APR 2018)]] [[18372.4891666667|Region Blocking (Published 19 APR 2018)]] ==== 2017 ==== [[18141.0426041667|The EDITSTATECHANGED event (Published 31 AUG 2017)]] [[18140.75125|The COMMUTERMODULE Property (Published 30 AUG 2017)]] [[18133.513587963|Context Menus in OpenInsight 10 - Part III (Published 23 AUG 2017)]] [[18132.5158912037|Context Menus in OpenInsight 10 - Part II (Published 22 AUG 2017)]] [[18131.5938425926|Context Menus in OpenInsight 10 - Part I (Published 21 AUG 2017)]] ==== 2016 ==== [[17792.6317824074|Assertions in Basic+ (Published 16 SEP 2016)]] [[17701.4461805556|BLen is the new GetByteSize (Published 17 JUN 2016)]] [[17701.0058680556|The FILEPREVIEW control (Published 17 JUN 2016)]] [[17697.5296064815|The AUTODROPDOWN property (Published 13 JUN 2016)]] [[17695.0535416667|Listboxes and ToolTips (Published 11 JUN 2016)]] [[17685.951875|TOOLTIP is the new HELPTEXT (Published 01 JUN 2016)]] [[17652.5924537037|Object Notation Syntax (Published 29 APR 2016)]] ==== 2015 ==== [[17494.0001851852|POPUP Changes (Published 23 NOV 2015)]] [[17490.7009375|The CHOOSEDIR and CHOOSEFILE methods (Published 19 NOV 2015)]] [[17488.596099537|OpenInsight 10 and the Visual C++ 2015 Runtime (Published 17 NOV 2015)]] [[17444.9939351852|The VALUES and VALUE properties (Published 04 OCT 2015)]] [[17436.6393287037|Sorting in EditTables (Published 26 SEP 2015)]] [[17273.6172569444|Size and Position (Published 16 APR 2015)]] ==== 2014 ==== [[17076.9647106481|A Technical Preview ... (Published 01 OCT 2014)]] [[16969.6252083333|Insert records and the TCOMPILE method (Published 16 JUN 2014)]] [[16962.0003356481|The SCALED event (Published 09 JUN 2014)]] [[16955.0006365741|The SCALEFACTOR property (Published 02 JUN 2014)]] [[16951.0004513889|OpenInsight and High-DPI - Part 2 (Published 29 MAY 2014)]] [[16920.000462963|QuickEvents, Commuter Modules and Passing-By-Reference (Published 28 APR 2014)]] [[16915.0003472222|A last word on EditLines (for now) (Published 23 APR 2014)]] [[16910.0003356481|Edit controls and the Image API (Published 18 APR 2014)]] [[16906.000462963|EditLines and the Glyph API (Published 14 APR 2014)]] [[16899.0002430556|EditLines and EditMasks (Published 07 APR 2014)]] [[16892.9888194444|Password-style EditLines (Published 31 MAR 2014)]] ==== 2013 ==== [[16761.2922800926|OLE Control Integration (Published 20 NOV 2013)]] [[16759.6007638889|The WRITEATRECORD property (Published 18 NOV 2013)]] [[16758.0305902778|Property Indexes (Published 17 NOV 2013)]] [[16664.0004861111|Promoted Events and the Repository (Published 15 AUG 2013)]] [[16662.0005439815|The FILESYSTEM WATCHDIR method (Published 13 AUG 2013)]] [[16658.8171412037|The IDLEPROC Queue (Published 09 AUG 2013)]] [[16647.0010532407|Split-Button controls (Published 29 JUL 2013)]] [[16644.0011805556|Button controls (Published 26 JUL 2013)]] [[16643.0009606481|Hyperlink controls (Published 25 JUL 2013)]] [[16641.5885763889|Label controls (Published 23 JUL 2013)]] [[16595.6021990741|Progress Bar controls (Published 07 JUN 2013)]] [[16586.6796412037|Date and Time Picker controls (Published 29 MAY 2013)]] [[16582.6651041667|Up-Down controls (Published 25 MAY 2013)]] [[16560.0418634259|Taskbar Integration - Progress Bars (Published 03 MAY 2013)]] [[16556.042025463|Taskbar Integration - Overlay Icons (Published 29 APR 2013)]] [[16552.0423263889|Editline Autocompletion (Published 25 APR 2013)]] [[16550.4116666667|OpenInsight and High-DPI (Published 23 APR 2013)]] [[16480.3128240741|The System Monitor - Part II (Published 12 FEB 2013)]] [[16475.6233564815|The Image API (Published 07 FEB 2013)]] [[16469.585787037|Image transparency - Color-keying and Alpha-blending (Published 01 FEB 2013)]] [[16469.5593402778|Subject to change... (Published 01 FEB 2013)]] [[16460.2502083333|Image format support in OpenInsight 10 (Published 23 JAN 2013)]] [[16458.2505439815|Taskbar Integration - The TASKBARID property (Published 21 JAN 2013)]] [[16455.0626041667|Special FX - The SHOW and HIDE methods (Published 18 JAN 2013)]] [[16453.2504166667|Special FX - The TRANSLUCENCY property (Published 16 JAN 2013)]] [[16451.2505671296|Special FX - Aero Glass (Published 14 JAN 2013)]] [[16447.250625|OpenInsight and Direct2D (Published 10 JAN 2013)]] [[16445.5851851852|The System Monitor (Published 08 JAN 2013)]] ==== 2012 ==== [[16416.3131365741|The Reflection API (Published 10 DEC 2012)]] [[16410.3131828704|The RXI Files - Part II (Published 04 DEC 2012)]] [[16406.3127199074|The RXI Files (Published 30 NOV 2012)]] [[16402.5689236111|The new STYLE_N property (Published 26 NOV 2012)]] [[16388.3129398148|The LOG_EVENT method (Published 12 NOV 2012)]] [[16381.3125694444|The Set_Property_Only subroutine (Published 05 NOV 2012)]] [[16374.3126388889|The new FILESYSTEM object (Published 29 OCT 2012)]] [[16367.3128935185|The SYSTEM object - some new properties (Published 22 OCT 2012)]] [[16359.375474537|The Utility function (Published 14 OCT 2012)]] [[16356.8007638889|Send_Message and Exec_Method (Published 11 OCT 2012)]] [[16350.9614814815|Welcome... (Published 05 OCT 2012)]] third_party_content/revdevx/revdevx_blog.txt Last modified: 2024/12/10 15:48by bshumsky