====== O4W General Configuration ====== From the Management Console go to Engine Server, O4W Configuration.   {{guides:oi10:console:OIC_121.jpg?1024x598}} O4W Configuration – Select Tab Revelation Software, in the O4W product, provides some standard routines to perform common O4W tasks; however, these tasks may need to be modified for your individual circumstances.  O4W therefore includes “hooks” where you can replace the provided routines with your own, customized stored procedures. {{guides:oi10:console:OIC_122.jpg?1024x689}} O4W Configuration – System Routines Tab   You may replace the following routines:   -          **Security authorization procedure** (which verifies that users are allowed to “log in” to the O4W system, and checks that their entered password matches the password on-file).  The authorization routine is a function that takes 2 parameters, the username and password as entered by the user; it returns the “permissions level” of the user, or null (“”) if the username and password were not correct -          **Permissions authorization procedure** (which verifies that users have permission to access a particular routine).  The permissions routine is a function that takes 2 parameters, the required permissions level and the “session information” (a dynamic array containing the username in field 1); it returns 1 if the user should be allowed to execute the desired procedure, 0 if the user needs to log in, and -1 if the user should //not// be allowed to execute the desired procedure -          **Table/Field filter procedure** (which returns the list of tables, and fields within those tables, that the user can access).  The filter routine is a function that takes 3 parameters, the name of the procedure that’s calling the filter, the “session information” (a dynamic array containing the username in field 1), and an optional “table name”; it returns an @VM list of tables this user should be able to select from in this procedure (if table name is null), or an @VM list of dictionary items this user should be able to select from in this procedure (if table name is not null) -          **Message suffix procedure** (which returns the suffix to apply to the message codes used in O4W, so that (for example) different language sets of messages can be retrieved).  The message suffix procedure is a function that takes no parameters; it returns the suffix that should be appended to the message key to return the message text -          **Read/Write lock procedure** (which performs the “optimistic locking” that O4W uses to ensure data integrity).  The read/write lock procedure is a function that takes 6 parameters: the action to perform, the table handle, the record ID, the optional record data to write (or the record that was read), the handle to use to refer to this lock, and optional extra parameters; it returns a status result (null if the operation proceeded without error) -          **Default table pagination/sorting procedure** (which handles pagination of table data).  The pagination routine is a subroutine that has 10 parameters, and is designed to manage both pagination of table results and optional sorting of data columns within the table.  Please refer to the provided source code for O4WI_TABLEPAGERLOCAL and O4WI_TABLEPAGERPLUGIN for details on how to create a pagination handler. -          **Login UI procedure** – If desired, developers can create their own O4W routines to replace the provided O4W login page.  This option is provided so that developers can customize the user interface.  Note that the replacement UI procedure should be co-ordinated with  replacement security authorization and permissions authorization routines -          **RSS default feed filter procedure** – The O4W RSS feed provider includes the ability for each feed to be “filtered” by a stored procedure, as defined during the RSS creation process (see O4WRSSPUBLISH for details).  If desired, a default filter stored procedure can be specified; feeds that do not contain a specific filter would then use this default procedure.  The filter can be used to restrict which values are returned as part of the RSS feed, so that sensitive or out of date information can be removed (or alternatively so that new dynamic information can be added).   Source code for the O4WI_AUTHORIZE, O4WI_FILTER, O4WI_LOCKHANDLER, O4WI_TABLEPAGERLOCAL and O4WI_TABLEPAGERPLUGIN routines has been provided; please be sure to COPY and RENAME your modified routines if you make any custom modifications. {{guides:oi10:console:OIC_123.jpg?1024x706}} O4W Configuration – Scripts Tab   The Scripts tab defines the essential scripts needed for O4W to run, and the initial scripts that all O4W routines should include.  The essential scripts can be obtained “on line” via Google’s hosted repository (Google Content Delivery Network, or CDN), or you can use copies of the scripts loaded on your system.  Specify the source for the jQuery scripts, and if necessary override the URL or path for the files.  You must also select which version of jQuery and the jQuery User Interface (“UI”) you wish to run.  Finally, you must select the theme you wish to run on your pages.   If your workstation has an external internet connection, themes can be changed by selecting the jQuery Theme dropdown list; if this is an offline connection, you must select the theme from the non-graphical list of available options. {{guides:oi10:console:OIC_123a.jpg}} If desired, you can add or modify the list of “standard scripts” that O4W includes in all its routines by modifying the code in the “Standard Scripts” box.  This might be applicable if you wished to have another “plugin” or javascript library available to all your O4W pages.   This should be modified by advanced users ONLY.   O4W allows you to choose which graphing library should be included on your site; different graphing libraries provide different sets of graphs, and render the data in different ways.  You can select the jQuery plugin “jqPlot”, the Google Visualizations library, both, or neither.  Note that the jqPlot library is self-contained on your O4W system, and can be used even if no connection to the internet is available; the Google Visualizations library //requires// an active internet connection to function. {{guides:oi10:console:OIC_123b.jpg}} {{guides:oi10:console:OIC_124.jpg?1024x735}} O4W Configuration – Mobile Tab   O4W developers can now specifically target mobile devices (cellphones and tablets); the Mobile tab allows for the specification of mobile-specific defaults.  Select whether the required jQuery Mobile library should be loaded from files contained on your O4W site, or from the jQuery developers website; which version of the library should be loaded; which version of the associated “base” jQuery should be loaded; and what standard script(s) should be loaded.  You may choose to configure the required scripts to minimize what is loaded, since typically mobile devices have less memory and longer loading times than desktop browsers. {{guides:oi10:console:OIC_125.jpg?1024x599}} O4W Configuration – Templates/Menus Tab   On the Template/Menu Management tab, you can define which template should be used as the “default” for this application.  You can also specify where the templates are located, and whether this is a Windows directory or an OpenInsight table.  Note that the template directory is used in the “Wizards” to allow for the selection of the templates; however, the template directory is //not// prefixed to the default template name, and should be specified as part of the default template if applicable.   The default mobile template may be different than the default template; the mobile template will be used when O4W is used to generate output for a mobile device (such as a cellphone or tablet).  Since these devices typically have much smaller screens than the desktop browser, you should create or select a template that is more suitable to the reduced screen size.   You will also specify here what type of menu should be used by default, if the template does not specify explicitly.  The “Horizontal” menu is similar to the top-line menu of an OpenInsight form or MDI frame.  The “Vertical Scrolling” menu is similar to an iPod menu.  The “Vertical Tree” menu is an expanding and collapsing tree menu.   If a “vertical scrolling” menu is to be displayed on your form, you may allow it to dynamically resize itself.  If you select “Dynamically size vertical scrolling menu”, the vertical scrolling menu will be drawn at the most appropriate size between the minimum (if specified) and maximum (if specified) values.  Note that these values, which represent the number of pixels high the vertical scrolling menu may be, should be entered as straight numbers (with no “px” indicator) {{guides:oi10:console:OIC_125a.jpg}} {{guides:oi10:console:OIC_126.jpg?1024x598}} O4W Configuration – Standard Codes Tab   The O4W Form wizard allows you to specify some “standard code records” as the source of listboxes, checkboxes, and radio buttons.  The Standard Codes tab allows you to add to, remove from, or alter the list of standard code records that the O4W Form wizard displays.  Specify a “user friendly” name for the code record in the first column, and the name of the code record (located in the O4WCODES table) in the second column.  Note that the records in the O4WCODES table must contain, in field 1, an @VM delimited list of the text to display, while field 2 contains an associated @VM delimited list of the codes associated with each display value. {{guides:oi10:console:OIC_127.jpg?1024x598}} O4W Configuration – Forms/Reports Tab   The Forms/Reports tab allows you to specify some O4W Form and Report-specific choices.  If selected, “dynamic” reports can be automatically generated from R/List statements; specify as the URL http:%%//%%/oecgi4.exe/O4W_RUN_REPORT?OIREPORT=, where is the full path to your O4W directory, and is the full R/List-type statement you wish to turn into an O4W Report.  For example, you may specify:   http:///oecgi4.exe/O4W_RUN_REPORT?OIREPORT=LIST MYTABLE WITH SOMEFIELD=”1” AND WITH OTHERFIELD=”2” SOMEFIELD1 SOMEFIELD2 TOTAL SOMEFIELD3   “Dynamic” forms can be automatically generated by specifying the name of an existing OpenInsight form; specify as the URL   http:///oecgi4.exe/O4W_RUN_FORM?OIFORM=, where is the full path to your O4W directory, and is the name of an existing OpenInsight form.   If dynamic forms and reports are allowed, you may specify the permissions level needed to execute the dynamic form and report, and an O4W Form and O4W Report to use as the “template” for the dynamic form and report – the specific content of the O4W Form and O4W Report will be removed, while the menu, color, html template, etc. will be extracted for use in the dynamic output.   In order to provide the most responsive performance possible, O4W allows you to use multiple engines to generate the O4W Form or O4W Report.  Each tab of the form, and each page of the report, can be “rendered” by a separate engine, allowing even very complex forms and reports to display quickly.  You can specify the number of engines O4W should use for form and report generation; specify “0” for a single engine (which will generate all the tabs and pages before returning the result to the browser), or 1 or more for asynchronous rendering. {{guides:oi10:console:OIC_128.jpg?1024x704}} O4W Configuration – Browsers Tab   The Browsers Options tab allows you to specify minimum requirements for your O4W site.  For each of the browsers, specify the minimum allowed version.  You can also specify the message to be displayed, and how the message should be displayed (as a banner, a popup, or both). {{guides:oi10:console:OIC_129.jpg?1024x775}} The OECGI4 registry settings can be modified via the Registry Settings form.  Initial creation of the OECGI4 registry settings can be done by clicking on the **oecgi4.reg** file located in Revsoft\OInsight10\O4W directory.  OECGI4 registry settings are created in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Revsoft\OECGI4.