====== Example 3  ====== The following code will create a simple entry form utilizing dynamic updates.  Screen images are displayed below, after the code.   Subroutine O4W_EXAMPLE_3(CtrlEntId, Event, Request) * A simple entry/collection form with some dynamic updates * Establish some constants we'll use in the example Equ SizeList$ To "Small,Medium,Large" Equ SizeCode$ To "S,M,L" Equ SizeCost$ To "700,1000,1300"   Equ ToppingList$ To "Pepperoni,Sausage,Extra Cheese,Mushrooms" Equ ToppingCode$ To "P,S,C,M" Equ ToppingCost$ To "100,100,50,100" * Always include our equates $Insert O4WEquates * Determine how we were called, and what to do Begin Case Case event _eqc "CREATE" ; Gosub Create_Event Case event _eqc "CLICK" ; Gosub Click_Event Case event _eqc "CHANGE" ; Gosub Change_Event End Case * Return 0   CREATE_EVENT: * Creation event - called the first time through for each application * Specify that this will generate a full web page O4WForm() * Define the section that the form will go in O4WSectionStart('mainSection') * Put up the 'header' describing the page O4WHeader("Revelation Software POS (Pizza Ordering System)", 4) * "Space down" a few blank lines O4WBreak() O4WBreak() * Use a table to align everything neatly O4WTableStart("mainTable") * Display a prompt in the first 'cell' of the table O4WSetCell(1,1) O4WText("Delivery Address: ") * And put up a 'textbox' for the response in the next 'cell' O4WSetCell(1,2) O4WTextbox('', '', '', 'ADD1') * Repeat for the other desired information * Notice the shortcut: only specifying the 'row number' to O4WSetCell automatically puts you in the first column of that row O4WSetCell(2) O4WText("Address 2:") * Notice the shortcut: if neither the row nor column is specified in O4WSetCell, it automatically puts you in the next column of the current row O4WSetCell() O4WTextbox('','','','ADD2') O4WSetCell(3) O4WText("City:") O4WSetCell() O4WTextBox('','','','CITY') O4WSetCell(4) O4WText("State:") O4WSetCell() * Use a combo box for the State * O4W provides a standard 'states' code record in the standard "configuration" file stateInfo = Xlate("O4WCODES", "CODES_STATES", "", "X") num.states = dcount(stateInfo<1>, @VM) * Define a 'default' value to prompt the user O4WListBox("Select...", "", "STATE") For each.state = 1 To num.states state.name = stateInfo<1,each.state> state.code = stateInfo<2,each.state> O4WListBox(state.name, state.code, "STATE") Next each.state O4WSetCell(5) O4WText("Zip:") O4WSetCell() O4WTextBox('','','','ZIP') O4WSetCell(6) O4WText("Pizza Size:") O4WSetCell() * Display a list of choices as radio buttons (allowing only a single choice) * If we wanted to 'hard code' the choices, we could do this: /* O4WRadioButton("Small", "S", "SIZE") O4WRadioButton("Medium", "M", "SIZE") O4WRadioButton("Large", "L", "SIZE") */ * But it's better to drive this from the constants we declared at the top (so we can change them without changing the program logic) NUM.SIZES = DCount(SizeList$, ",") For each.size = 1 To num.sizes this.size = Field(SizeList$, ",", each.size) this.code = Field(SizeCode$, ",", each.size) *O4WRadioButton(this.size, this.code, "SIZE") * Identify each radio button with a unique name O4WRadioButton(this.size, this.code, "SIZE", "SIZE_":this.code) Next each.size O4WSetCell(7) O4WText("Toppings:") O4WSetCell() * Display a list of toppings as checkboxes (allowing multiple choices) * If we wanted to 'hard code' the choices, we could do this: /* O4WCheckBox("Pepperoni", "Pepperoni", "TOPPINGS") O4WBreak() O4WCheckBox("Sausage", "Sausage", "TOPPINGS") O4WBreak() O4WCheckBox("Extra Cheese", "ExtraCheese", "TOPPINGS") O4WBreak() O4WCheckBox("Mushrooms", "Mushrooms", "TOPPINGS") */ * But it's better to drive this from the constants we declared at the top (so we can change them without changing the program logic) NUM.TOPPINGS = DCount(ToppingList$, ",") For each.topping = 1 To num.toppings this.topping = Field(ToppingList$, ",", each.topping) this.code = Field(ToppingCode$, ",", each.topping) *O4WCheckBox(this.topping, this.code, "TOPPINGS") * identify each checkbox with a unique name O4WCheckBox(this.topping, this.code, "TOPPINGS", "TOPPINGS_":this.code) O4WBreak() Next each.topping * End the table O4WTableEnd("mainTable") O4WBreak() * define an area where the 'running total' can go O4WSectionStart('runningTotal') O4WSectionEnd('runningTotal') * Display a button for them to submit the order O4WButton("Order!", "BTNORDER") * Tell O4W you wish to be notified when the user clicks on this button O4WQualifyEvent("BTNORDER", "CLICK") * Tell O4W we want to be notified when the size or toppings change O4WQualifyEvent("TOPPINGS", "CHANGE", "CHECKBOX") O4WQualifyEvent("SIZE", "CHANGE", "RADIOBUTTON") * finish up the main section we defined O4WSectionEnd('mainSection') * create a special area for us to use when displaying some response to the user * nothing goes in it now, but we may fill it in later O4WSectionStart('responseArea') O4WSectionEnd('responseArea') RETURN   CLICK_EVENT: * Click event - called when the button is pressed * Tell O4W we'll be generating a response updating the current form (as opposed to making a whole new form) O4WResponse() * Read in all the values ADD1 = O4WGetValue("ADD1") ADD2 = O4WGetValue("ADD2") CITY = O4WGetValue("CITY") STATE = O4WGetValue("STATE") ZIP = O4WGetValue("ZIP") * Make sure these values have something in them If TRIM(ADD1) = "" Or TRIM(CITY) = "" Or TRIM(STATE) = "" Or TRIM(ZIP)="" Then O4WError("Please be sure to enter complete address information before proceeding") Return End * Move the extraction of the size and topping values, and the calculation of the cost, to a subroutine so we can call it from the 'change' event too /* * 'SIZE' will return the S/M/L code from the SIZE radio buttons SIZE = O4WGetValue("SIZE") * 'TOPPINGS' will return an @VM-delimited list of the selected toppings TOPPING = O4WGetValue("TOPPINGS") * Calculate the price from the toppings and size selected locate size In SizeCode$ Using "," Setting pos Then cost = Field(SizeCost$,",",pos) End Else * Couldn't find the size in the list?  Report an error to the customer O4WError("We're sorry, but the size '":size:"' doesn't appear to be valid!") Return End * Now find each of the toppings num.toppings = dcount(topping, @VM) For each.topping = 1 To num.toppings this.topping = topping<1,each.topping> Locate this.topping In ToppingCode$ Using "," Setting pos Then cost += Field(ToppingCost$, ",", pos) End Else * Couldn't find the topping in the list?  Report an error O4WError("We're sorry, but the topping '":this.topping:"' doesn't appear to be valid!") End Next each.topping */   Gosub calc_Total If error <> "" Then O4WError(error) Return end * In a 'real' application, you'd now write all the information we collected into a database somewhere orderNum = DATE():"*":TIME() * * Notify the customer that his order has been received, and give him/her the total * We'll put this information into our 'responseArea' * Note that we use a special style so that O4W knows we're updating the previously-defined area (and not asking to create a new one) O4WSectionStart('responseArea', O4WResponseStyle()) O4WHeader('Your order number is ':orderNum, 4) O4WBreak() O4WText('Thank you for your order!  Your order total is ':OCONV(cost,'MD2,$'):'.') O4WBreak() O4WText('Please press ') * Build a 'link' to return to the home page O4WLink('here', 0, 'www.revelation.com') O4WSectionEnd('responseArea') * Display this area as a 'dialog box' to the user O4WDialog('responseArea', 'Thank You') RETURN   CHANGE_EVENT: * The 'CHANGE' event is triggered when our toppings or size is changed * Update our total cost cost = 0 * Because of how we organized our form, all the values are passed to us when we get the CHANGE event Gosub calc_Total If error <> "" Then * display any error message instead of our total O4WError(error) Return end * No error - display the total cost * Tell O4W we're generating an update to the current form and not an entire new form O4WResponse()       * We'll put this information into our 'runningTotal'       * Note that we use a special style so that O4W knows we're updating the previously-defined area (and not asking to create a new one) O4WSectionStart('runningTotal', O4WResponseStyle()) O4WText("Current Order Total: ":Oconv(cost, "MD2,$")) O4WSectionEnd('runningTotal') RETURN   CALC_TOTAL: * calcTotal subroutine will pull in the size and toppings info and calculate the cost * if any errors occur, the variable "error" will be returned with the error text error = "" * 'SIZE' will return the S/M/L code from the SIZE radio buttons SIZE = O4WGetValue("SIZE") * 'TOPPINGS' will return an @VM-delimited list of the selected toppings TOPPING = O4WGetValue("TOPPINGS") * Calculate the price from the toppings and size selected locate size In SizeCode$ Using "," Setting pos Then cost = Field(SizeCost$,",",pos) End Else * Couldn't find the size in the list?  Report an error to the customer error = "We're sorry, but the size '":size:"' doesn't appear to be valid!" Return End * Now find each of the toppings num.toppings = dcount(topping, @VM) For each.topping = 1 To num.toppings this.topping = topping<1,each.topping> Locate this.topping In ToppingCode$ Using "," Setting pos Then cost += Field(ToppingCost$, ",", pos) End Else * Couldn't find the topping in the list?  Report an error error = "We're sorry, but the topping '":this.topping:"' doesn't appear to be valid!" return End Next each.topping RETURN   == Figure 1: The Entry Screen == {{O4W_EXAMPLE2_1.jpg?1184x499}}   == Figure 2: The Entry Screen and Thank You Message == {{O4W_EXAMPLE2_2.jpg?1184x539}}