====== O4WAlignStyle routine ====== ==== Description ==== Creates a "style" for element alignment. ==== Syntax ==== //alignStyle// = O4WAlignStyle( styleName, horizAlign, vertAlign ) ==== Parameters ==== The function has the following parameters: ^Parameter^Description^ |styleName|If syleName is specified, defines the style by the stylename for use with one or more elements and input controls.| |horizAlign|If specified, the element is horizontally aligned according to its value (this can be any valid CSS "text-align" value, and O4W recognizes 0, 1, and 2 as "shortcuts" for left, center, and right).| |vertAlign|If specified, the element is vertically aligned according to its value (this can be any valid CSS "vertical-align" value, and O4W recognizes 0, 1, and 2 as "shortcuts" for top, middle, and bottom).|| ==== Returns ==== ==== Returns ==== the style information (to use immediately with a display element or input control) ==== See Also ==== ==== Example ====