====== O4WFacebook routine ====== ==== Description ==== Provides various Facebook functionality. ==== Syntax ==== O4WFacebook(action, param1, param2, param3, param4, styleInfo) ==== Parameters ==== The function has the following parameters: ^"Action" Parameter^Description^ |INIT|Loads the required FaceBook scripts.| |ACTIVITY|Displays Facebook activity information| |LOGIN|Generates a Facebook login button on the page.| |LIKE|Generates a Facebook "like" button| |LIKEBOX|Generates a Facebook "like box"| |LIVESTREAM|Displays the Facebook stream.| |COMMENTS|Creates a Facebook comment box.| |FACEPILE|Generates a Facebook facepile.| |RECOMMEND|Displays a Facebook recommend box.| ^"Action" Parameter^Param1 Value^ |INIT|Must contain the "appid" your application has received from FaceBook.| |ACTIVITY|Contains the optional domain to display information about| |LOGIN|A flag to indicate whether you wish to show the users face when they have logged in (pass "1" to set this flag).| |LIKE|URL to "like". if not specified, the current page URL is used.| |LIKEBOX|The URL to like.| |LIVESTREAM|Must contain the appid of the application whose stream you wish to display.| |COMMENTS|Contains an optional unique ID| |FACEPILE|Specifies the maximum number of rows to display.| |RECOMMEND|Contains the optional domain to recommend| ^"Action" Parameter^Param2 Value^ |INIT|Contains the optional url to use for initialization (normally this would only be overridden if you wished to use a non-English interface).| |ACTIVITY|Optionally controls display of the information\\ \\ ("" (the default) for a normal display; "0" for a display without headers or recommendations; "1" for headers but no recommendations; "2" for recommendations but no headers)| |LOGIN|Indicates the maximum number of rows the login should consume.| |LIKE|Controls the display of the like button.\\ \\ "0" for the standard display without faces\\ \\ "1" (the default) for the standard display with faces\\ \\ "2" to display as a button with a count\\ \\ "3" to display as a box with a count| |LIKEBOX|Controls the display of the like box\\ \\ "" (the default) to specify a normal like box\\ \\ "0" to display without either a header or a stream\\ \\ "1" to display with a header but no stream\\ \\ "2" to display with a stream but no header| |LIVESTREAM|Contains a unique ID to associate with the stream.| |COMMENTS|Contains an optional maximum number of posts to show.| |FACEPILE|N/A| |RECOMMEND|Controls display of the information\\ \\ "" (the default) for a normal display\\ \\ "0" for a display without headers)| ^"Action" Parameter^Param3 Value^ |INIT|N/A| |ACTIVITY|Optionally controls the color scheme (specify "1" to use the "dark" color scheme instead of the default light color scheme).| |LOGIN|N/A| |LIKE|Controls the color scheme (set to "1" to use the alternative "dark" color scheme)| |LIKEBOX|Contains the connections information.| |LIVESTREAM|N/A| |COMMENTS|N/A| |FACEPILE|N/A| |RECOMMEND|Controls the color scheme (specify "1" to use the "dark" color scheme instead of the default light color scheme).| ^"Action" Parameter^Param4 Value^ |INIT|N/A| |ACTIVITY|Optionally specifies the border color.| |LOGIN|N/A| |LIKE|Keyword to use (set to "1" to use the alternative "recommend" instead of the default "like" keyword).| |LIKEBOX|N/A| |LIVESTREAM|N/A| |COMMENTS|N/A| |FACEPILE|N/A| |RECOMMEND|Specifies the border color.| ^"Action" Parameter ^StyleInfo Parameter^ |INIT|N/A| |ACTIVITY|Optional width, height and font can be specified via StyleInfo.| |LOGIN|Optional width can be passed via the StyleInfo.| |LIKE|Optional width and font can be passed via StyleInfo.| |LIKEBOX|Optional width can be specified via the StyleInfo.| |LIVESTREAM|Optional width and height can be specified via StyleInfo.| |COMMENTS|Optional width can be specified via StyleInfo.| |FACEPILE|Optional width can be passed via StyleInfo.| |RECOMMEND|Optional width, height and font can be specified via StyleInfo.||