====== O4WI_LoadPlugInData routine ====== ==== Description ==== This utility function will load the data associated with the specified plugin into the form. This data may include stylesheet(s), javascript file(s), and explicit javascript command(s). ==== Syntax ==== O4WI_LOADPLUGINDATA( Id) ==== Parameters ==== The function has the following parameters: ^Parameter^Description^ |id|The name of the control record containing the plugIn data.|| ==== Remarks ==== The control record for each plugin is stored in the O4WCODES table; currently defined control records include: PLUGIN_COLORPICKER PLUGIN_COMBOBOX PLUGIN_DATEPICKER PLUGIN_HISTORY PLUGIN_HMENU PLUGIN_TABLESORTER PLUGIN_TIMEPICKER PLUGIN_TMENU PLUGIN_VMENU For example, to load in the required data for the jQuery “tablesorter” plugin: O4WI_LoadPluginData(“PLUGIN_TABLESORTER”) ==== See Also ==== [[o4wplugin|O4WPlugIn]] ==== Example ==== For example, to load in the required data for the jQuery “tablesorter” plugin: O4WI_LoadPluginData(“PLUGIN_TABLESORTER”)