====== O4WLinkedIn routine ====== ==== Description ==== Provides various LinkedIn functionality, including alternative access to the new LinkedIn link types. ==== Syntax ==== O4WLinkedIn(action, param1, param2, param3, param4, styleInfo) ==== Parameters ==== The function has the following parameters: ^"Action" Parameter^Description^ |INIT|Loads the required LinkedIn scripts.| |COMPANY|Displays the LinkedIn "Company Profiler".| |SHARE|Generates a "share" icon for LinkedIn.| |PROFILE|Shows the LinkedIn profile.| ^"Action" Parameter^Param1 Parameter^ |INIT|N/A| |COMPANY|The company name.| |SHARE|Contains the URL to share.| |PROFILE|Contains the LinkedIn username to show.| ^"Action" Parameter^Param2 Parameter^ |INIT|N/A| |COMPANY|The optional name of the O4W section where this information should be displayed (if not specified, a new section will be created at the current location).| |SHARE|Contains the optional title.| |PROFILE|Contains the optional text to display.| ^"Action" Parameter^Param3 Parameter^ |INIT|N/A| |COMPANY|Controls the type of display ("" (the default) for popup, "0" for a borderless in-line display, and "1" for a bordered in-line display)| |SHARE|Contains the optional LinkedIn name of the person who is sharing the reference.| |PROFILE|Controls the type of display ("0" or "" for popup (the default), "1" for inline).| ^"Action" Parameter^Param4 Parameter^ |INIT|N/A| |COMPANY|N/A| |SHARE|Contains the optional summary.| |PROFILE|N/A|