====== O4WListBoxOptions routine ====== ==== Description ==== Applies a style based on the specified multiple flag (1=multiple selections allowed) and the specified (number of rows to display) and (width of rows). ==== Syntax ==== O4WListBoxOptions(multipleFlag, size, width, selectAllFlag, listBoxId,isCombo) ==== Parameters ==== The function has the following parameters: ^Parameter^Description^ |multipleFlag|Boolean. If True, the list box is multiselect.| |size|The number of rows to display in the list box.| |width|The width of rows in pixels.| |selectAllFlag|Boolean. If True and multipleflag is True then the entire contents of the list box is selected.| |listBoxId|The id of the list box. This allows for the explicit setting of the list box id.| |isCombo|Integer. If the value is 1, the listbox is transformed into a case-sensitive combo box.\\ \\ If the value is -1, the listbox is transformed into a case-insensitive combo box.|| ==== Remarks ==== Returns the style information (to use immediately with a display element or input control).