====== O4WMarkedStyle routine ====== ==== Description ==== (Deprecated in O4W 1.1) Sets the "marked" flag for various controls. ==== Syntax ==== O4WMarkedStyle(stylename, bIsMarked, markedItems) ==== Parameters ==== The function has the following parameters: ^Parameter^Description^ |stylename|The name of the style.| |bIsMarked|Boolean.| |markedItems|A delimited list of values that should be marked as selected. The list may be @fm, @vm or @svm delimited.|| ==== Remarks ==== The following table details the controls and boolean settings for the marked styles. ^Control^True^False^ |Button|When set to true, the button is marked as SUBMIT button|When set to false, the button is marked as a non-SUBMIT button.| |Section|When set to true, the section is marked as containing a form for submission to the host.|When set to false, the section is marked as not containing a form.| |Checkbox\\ Select List\\ Radio Button|When set to true, the specified control is checked or selected.|When set to false, the specified control is not checked or selected.| [[o4wmarkedoptions|O4WMarkedOptions]] routine is the replacement for this deprecated routine. ==== See Also ==== [[o4wmarkedoptions|O4WMarkedOptions]] routine.