====== O4WMobileOptions routine ====== ==== Description ==== O4WMobileOptions defines the "role" that an element (typically a section) plays in layout on the mobile browser page. ==== Syntax ==== O4WMobileOptions(roleName, themeCode) ==== Parameters ==== The function has the following parameters: ^Parameter^Description^ |roleName|Available options for roleName include:\\ \\ "page", "header", "footer", "navbar", "content", "listview" (when applied to O4WListStart), and "fieldcontain".\\ \\ O4W will use the role information to determine appropriate layout and styling of the element and its children on the mobile browser.| |themeCode|Themecode may also be specified to designate which "theme swatch" colors should be applied to this element and its children; available codes are "a" through "z".|| ==== Example ==== O4WSectionStart("ourPage", O4WMobileOptions("page", "e")) O4WSectionStart("ourHeader", O4WMobileOptions("header")) O4WHeader("Sample Page", 3) O4WSectionEnd("ourHeader") O4WSectionStart("ourBody", O4WMobileOptions("content")) O4WText("Mobile content goes here!") O4WSectionEnd("ourBody") O4WSectionEnd("ourPage")