====== O4WTabs routine ====== ==== Description ==== Creates a tabbed pane, named , containing tabs with titles (@VM delimited) from . The content of the tabs must be contained in O4W sections, as named in the associated @VM-delimited parameter. Since the O4WTabs call creates an overall tab section using the (via an internal call to O4WSectionStart()), be sure to use O4WSectionEnd() to close the overall tab section. ==== Syntax ==== O4WTabs(tabSectionID, tabDetailsIDs, tabTitles, tabRequiresData, tabOptions, styleInfo) ==== Parameters ==== The function has the following parameters: ^Parameter^Description^ |tabSectionID|The identifier for the tab section.| |tabDetailIds|The content of the tabs. The content must be the name of an O4W section.| |tabTitles|A list of titles for the individual tabs.| |tabRequiresData|Boolean. If True, then an ajax-style request is sent to the commuter module (event = 'TAB', ctlentid = the specific ).| |tabOptions|Reserved.| |styleInfo|An @fm delimited array of style information. Position 1 should contain an @vm delimited array of styles for the first tab. Position 2 should contain an @vm delimited array of styles specific to all tabs.\\ \\ If the O4WHTMLOptions style is passed in the parameter then the associated tabTitles parameter may contain HTML instead of plain text.||