====== O4WTextStyle routine ====== ==== Description ==== Creates a style based on the specified font. ==== Syntax ==== O4WTextStyle( stylename, fontname, bold, italic, align, size ) ==== Parameters ==== The function has the following parameters: ^Parameter^Description^ |stylename|The name of the style.| |fontName|Font type, e.g. Times New Roman, Arial New.| |bold|Boolean. 0 = Normal, 1 = Bold| |italic|Boolean. 0 = Normal, 1 = Italic| |alignment|Integer. 0 = Left, 1 = Center, 3 = Right, -1 = Justify| |size|Font size.|| ==== Remarks ==== Returns the style information (to use immediately with a display element or input control), and (if is not null) defines the style by the stylename for use with one or more elements and input controls.