====== O4W API by Category ====== The O4W API contains functions that fall into five (5) basic categories.  The categories are: [[#Style_routines|Style,]] [[#Display_element_routines|Display Element,]] [[#Input_control_routines|Input Control]], [[#Action_routines|Action]] and [[#Utility_routines|Utility]]. ==== Style routines ==== ^Routine^Description^ |[[[guides:o4w:o4w_api:O4WStyleSheet|O4WStyleSheet()]] |Allows you to define an external "style sheet" for use in the current web page. | |[[[guides:o4w:o4w_api:O4WColorStyle|O4WColorStyle()]]\\ \\ [[[guides:o4w:o4w_api:O4WColors|O4WColors()]]|Creates a "style" based on the specified background color, foreground color, and background image.  Returns the style information (to use immediately with a display element or input control), and (if is not null) defines the style by the stylename for use with one or more elements and input controls. | |[[[guides:o4w:o4w_api:O4WLinkStyle|O4WLinkStyle()]] |Defines the colors to use for links when they are first displayed, and after they have been visited.  If is null, this applies to all links on the page. | |[[[guides:o4w:o4w_api:O4WTableStyle|O4WTableStyle()]] |Creates a "style" based on the specified border flag (0=no border,1=solid border), border width (with no units specified; pixels will be used), and alignment (0=left;1=center).  Returns the style information (to use immediately with a display element or input control), and (if is not null) defines the style by the stylename for use with one or more elements and input controls. | |[[[guides:o4w:o4w_api:O4WCellStyle|O4WCellStyle()]] |Creates a "style" for table contents.  If <#cols> specified, the current table 'cell' will expand across that number of columns; if <#rows> specified, the current table 'cell' will expand across that number of rows. If specified, the text in the cell is horizontally aligned according to its value (this can be any valid CSS "text-align" value, and O4W recognizes 0,1, and 2 as "shortcuts" for left, center, and right).  If specified, the text in the cell is vertically aligned according to its value (this can be any valid CSS "vertical-align" value, and O4W recognizes 0,1, and 2 as "shortcuts" for top, middle, and bottom).  If is set to "1", the cell is styled as a table header ("th") instead of the default table detail ("td"). Returns the style information (to use immediately with a display element or input control), and (if is not null) defines the style by the stylename for use with one or more elements and input controls.| |[[[guides:o4w:o4w_api:O4WTextStyle|O4WTextStyle()]] |Creates a "style" based on the specified font, bold flag (0=normal,1=bold), italic flag (0=normal, 1=italic), alignment (0=left;1=center;2=right;-1=justify), and font size.  Returns the style information (to use immediately with a display element or input control), and (if is not null) defines the style by the stylename for use with one or more elements and input controls. | |[[[guides:o4w:o4w_api:O4WListBoxStyle|O4WListBoxStyle()]] |Creates a 'style' based on the specified multiple flag (1=multiple selections allowed) and the specified (number of rows to display) and (width of rows).  If is specified with , then the entire contents of the select box (instead of only 'selected' items) will be returned. Returns the style information (to use immediately with a display element or input control), and (if is not null) defines the style by the stylename for use with one or more elements and input controls. | |[[[guides:o4w:o4w_api:O4WSizeStyle|O4WSizeStyle()]] |For those elements that allow for width and/or height (tables and images), specify a value followed by "px" (or nothing) for pixels, or "%" for percent.  Returns the style information (to use immediately with a display element or input control), and (if is not null) defines the style by the stylename for use with one or more elements and input controls. | |[[[guides:o4w:o4w_api:O4WPositionStyle|O4WPositionStyle()]] |For those elements that allow for positioning, you may specify a value for the left and top locations of the element.  If is "absolute", this is an absolute position on the page; if this is "relative" (or null), the position is relative to the element's parent. You cam also specify a in addition to, or instead of, other positioning parameters; specify 'left' or 'right' (or any valid 'float' style).  Since 'floating' the element will remove it from the normal layout, to preserve the sizing of any containing section, you may create a dummy element with specified (for example, 'both') to retain the proper element flow.  Returns the style information (to use immediately with a display element or input control), and (if is not null) defines the style by the stylename for use with one or more elements and input controls. | |[[[guides:o4w:o4w_api:O4WInputStyle|O4WInputStyle()]] |Creates a "style" based on the specified enabled flag (0=disabled,1=enabled) and alignment (0=left;1=center;2=right;-1=justify).  If is set to '1', then the specified element will be "selected" (radio buttons and checkbox items will be checked, listbox items will be selected, and buttons will be marked as the 'default' button).  Returns the style information (to use immediately with a display element or input control), and (if is not null) defines the style by the stylename for use with one or more elements and input controls. | |[[[guides:o4w:o4w_api:O4WRawStyle|O4WRawStyle()]] |For advanced users.  Creates a "style" based on the CSS style name and associated value (both