====== Users ====== Create/Edit Users {{OIC_019.jpg?1024x685}} New application users can be entered via the OI Console. Select the application and enter the password for the administrative user for the application. {{OIC_020.jpg?1024x711}} The Create/Edit Users form complies with the new enhanced security built into OpenInsight 10. Passwords must meet the requirements of the System Policy which is maintained via the OpenInsight 10 IDE, Settings, Users, Policy Setup from the SYSPROG application. {{OIC_021.jpg?1024x711}} Users may also be maintained via the OI Console. {{OIC_022.jpg?1024x710}} From this screen the system administrator can maintain OpenInsight user properties. Lock/User Management {{OIC_023.jpg?1024x711}} The Current Status tab displays the currently connected workstations communicating with the Universal Driver. {{OIC_024.jpg?1024x615}} Record locks held by the Universal Driver are displayed and can be unlocked by pressing the Unlock button. {{OIC_025.jpg?1024x616}} To unlock a record, click the Yes, proceed button.