====== Set_EventStatus function ====== ==== Description ==== Sets the status of the currently executing event. ==== Syntax ==== Call Get_EventStatus( Status, ErrorCode, ErrorArgs ) ==== Parameters ==== ^Name^Required^Description^ |Status|Yes|Status of the event. Can be one of the following:\\ \\ \\ \\ "0" : Success, no error\\ \\ "1" : Failure – error has occurred\\ \\ "-1" : Failure – append error to existing status\\ \\ \\ \\ (Equated constants for these values may be found in the RTI_SSP_Equates insert record).| |ErrorCode|Depends|Contains a code indicating the exact nature of the error. This is usually a number prefixed by the string "EV".\\ \\ \\ \\ Required if Status indicates a failure (1 or -1), ignored otherwise.| |ErrorArgs|No|Contains an @Fm or @Vm delimited list of arguments associated with ErrorCode. They are used to replace numeric placeholder tokens in error text associated with the ErrorCode.| ==== Returns ==== N/A ==== Errors ==== N/A ==== Remarks ==== Equates for event error codes can be found in the EVERRORS insert record. Error information may be translated into a textual format by using the RTI_ErrorText function. In some circumstances the Event Status is used to return data to a calling stored procedure and does NOT actually indicate an error condition. This can happen for the following "EV" ErrorCodes: • "EV200": Used to return a result to the Presentation Server from a synchronous WINMSG event. • "EV999": Used to return a value directly from Send_Event to a calling stored procedure. ==== Example ==== $Insert EvErrors $Insert RTI_SSP_Equates * // Example WRITE event handler - check to see if we have all the * // data that we need. OK = TRUE$ ValidErr = "" GoSub ValidateFormData; * // (Assume this sets OK and ValidErr) If OK Then * // All good - let the system write the data record Call Forward_Event() End Else * // Failed - set an EventStatus to let the caller know that * // the was a problem. We can use one of the predefined EV * // errors or create our own. * // * // For this we'll use the EV_VALIDERR$ and also use the SYSMSG * // event to display a message. Call Set_EventStatus( SETSTAT_ERR$, EV_VALIDERR$, "" ) Call Send_Event( @Window, "VALIDERR", ValidErr ) End * // Because we called Forward_Event we stop the event chain * // here by returning FALSE$ Return FALSE$ ==== See Also ==== Forward_Event, Get_EventStatus.