====== GETLOGHISTORY Method ====== ==== Description ==== Method for getting the entity's description information. ==== Syntax ==== //retval// = **Repository**('GETLOGHISTORY', //entID//) ==== Parameters ==== The GETLOGHISTORY method has the following parameters. ^Parameter^Description^ |//Message//|'GETLOGHISTORY'| |//entID//|//entID// consists of four elements, which are '*' (asterisk) delimited:\\ \\ * Application name\\ * Type ID\\ * Class ID\\ * Entity name\\ \\ Methods are executed as follows: if class specific, execute at the class level; if type specific, execute at the type level; otherwise, execute the method.| ==== Returns ==== A field mark delimited list of history items associated with this entity. Each history item contains the date and time, repository operation ([[compile|COMPILE]], CHECKIN, CHECKOUT, ACCESS, etc.), application ID, and description, separated by tab characters (Char(9)). The list corresponds to the Entity...History log from the Repository outline, illustrated below: {{{guides:programming:programmers_reference_manual:entityhistory.gif?425x227}} **Note:** Always call the [[get_status|Get_Status function]] after calling Repository. ==== See Also ==== [[repository|Repository() function]], [[get_repos_entities|Get_Repos_Entities()]]. Also, Stored Procedures chapter in the //Guide to Application Development//. ==== Example ==== /* Get the log history for the CENTERWINDOW stored procedure into the variable called result */ Declare Function Get_Repos_Entities, Repository, Get_Status AppID = @APPID<1> ;* current application TypeID = "STPROC" ;* OpenInsight stored procedures ClassID = "" ;* Not Applicable Stored_Proc_Name = 'CENTERWINDOW' entid = AppID : '*' : TypeID : '*' : ClassID : '*' : Stored_Proc_Name result = Repository("GETLOGHISTORY", entid) /* result now contains the evaluate flag of CENTERWINDOW in Field 1 and notes for the entity in Field 2*/ If Get_Status(ErrCode) then call msg(@window, 'Error Message returned: ' : ErrCode) end