====== SET_ZORDER message ====== ==== Description ==== Allows the z-order position of a control to be set programmatically. ==== Applies To ==== All Controls ==== Syntax ==== //x// = **Send_Message**(objFront, "SET_ZORDER", objBehind) ==== Parameters ==== For SET_ZORDER, [[send_message|Send_Message(]]) has the following parameters. ^Parameter^Description^ |objFront|A control.| |objBehind|__Value__ - __Description__\\ objectName - The objBehind control is set to be after the objFront control in the z-order.\\ [A null value] - The objFront control is set at the top of the z-order.\\ -1 - The objFront control is set at the bottom of the z-order.| ==== Remarks ==== There are times when designing a form that a Group Box will display in front of controls that exist "within" the group box. The Z-ORDER is out of balance with the intention of the developer. Using the SET_ZORDER message can be used to remedy this behavior. ==== See Also ==== [[send_message|Send_Message() function]], [[resetzorder_message|ResetZOrder message]] ==== Example ==== * Set a group box to be behind a label. myLabel = @window : ".LABEL_1" myGroupBox = @window : ".GROUP_1" call Send_Message( myLabel, "SET_ZORDER", myGroupBox)