[[https://www.revelation.com/|Sign up on the Revelation Software website to have access to the most current content, and to be able to ask questions and get answers from the Revelation community]] ==== Job Opening (AREV Specific) ==== === At 22 MAY 1998 05:04:42AM Larry Wilson, TARDIS Systems, Inc. wrote: === {{tag>"AREV Specific"}} A company in Denver, Reproductive Genetics Center, is looking for an AREV programmer. However, there are 2 things you should know; 1) despite what they may claim, the AREV executable is theirs, but they have no legal claim to the custom software with TARDIS Systems, Inc.'s copyright on it except for those modifications that specifically state '*RGC*' in the heading. Secondly, for work done that is unrelated to AREV, they still owe TARDIS Systems, Inc. almost $10,000.00. Yes, I know, I'm an idiot! They have been a client for 15 years and in the past year and a half I was discouraged from billing due to their insurance income situation and the fact that half of the doctors are leaving to form a competetive firm - also in Denver. So, I gave them the leeway that I thought 15 years of good co-operation deserved. However, given what I knew at the time, I would still do it again as they were a steady customer and usually paid within a reasonable time. They need someone to export their data (all files are GLOBAL, no encryption, nothing blocking access, etc.) They have the SYSPROG password and AFAIK, there should be absolutely no problem in getting at any of their data. The only thing a programmer would have to do is to replace some of our proprietary conversions that won't run any more with standard AREV conversions (i.e. dates, zip formatting, etc.) At this point, they are DOWN and I believe someone could make a pretty penny due to the circumstances. They have made generous offers to me, but bringing accounts up to date has not been part of them. They don't dispute the billing, they're just mad that I left and took my software that they never paid for. (that is NOT part of the 10K) The contact is Rick Blackham, GM. 303-399-5393 or e-mail: RBlackDog@aol.com (hmm... I should have seen it!) Should you take the job, and should you need some specific help, I will be glad to help out - I will not leave you stuck (though I doubt it would ever come to that). My help has no pre-conditions or pay requirements; I just want them off my back and their money in my checking account (though since Rick pulled my medical insurance 3 months after major neurosurgery, it won't be enough! ) Call if you have any questions. 303-432-8630 (home and office) tardis-systems@bigfoot.com [[https://www.revelation.com/revweb/oecgi4p.php/O4W_HANDOFF?DESTN=O4W_RUN_FORM&INQID=NONWORKS_READ&SUMMARY=1&KEY=00CB4EE4DC1909B08525660C0031DE90|View this thread on the forum...]]