[[https://www.revelation.com/|Sign up on the Revelation Software website to have access to the most current content, and to be able to ask questions and get answers from the Revelation community]] ==== User Lockout - NT Server and Win95 -HELP!!!! (AREV Specific) ==== === At 06 OCT 1998 02:48:09AM Skip Borland wrote: === {{tag>"AREV Specific"}} We recently upgraded our network from Banyan to NT 4.0 SP3 and purchased the AREV NT Linear Hash service to facilitate this upgrade. I am not familiar with AREV, do not have access to manuals and and to further complicate things, I am on Guam with a 17 hour time difference to the States. I am assuming this problem is due to license lockings not being released when a users logs out, creating phantom locks. Unfortunately, I can't even get in to see if there is any way to clear the locks. If ANYONE has any ideas or can provide some guidance in this situation, please respond!!! Thanks in advance...Skip Borland ---- === At 06 OCT 1998 02:54AM Jonathan Bird wrote: === Can you get into Arev at all? Have you installed the NT service according to its enclosed instructions? What version of Arev? JB jb@psiltd.co.nz ---- === At 06 OCT 1998 10:34AM Rob Misek Revelation wrote: === First of all, check to make sure that you have set up the REVPARAM file in the network directory that has the AREV.EXE file in it. Also, that REVPARAM file must be in every subdirectory and every subdirectories subdirectory of aforementioned network drive directory. The contents of the REVPARAM file should be serveronly=1. Secondly, you can access the instructions for the install off of the Revelation webpage (www.revelation.com). The path for the information is Knowledge Base à Network Products Suite à Revelation NT Service 1.5 Documentation. One last thing you should check is if there are any remnants of Banyan on your network? ---- === At 06 OCT 1998 03:22PM Victor Engel wrote: === Seventeen hours? Let's see: 24 - 17=7, so you're really 7 hours off (give or take a day), right? ---- === At 06 OCT 1998 06:03PM K Gilfilen wrote: === But when we have Daylight savings in the states, does Guam follow at the same time (or at all)? It could increase to 18 hours, or if the timing is really off, I think it could increase to 19 hours. Isn't Guam one time zone east of zulu? (Sorry to makelight of your plight, Skip) At any rate, I think Guam would be one day ahead and 7 hours behind, due to being on the other side of the date line? That means if it's COB in the Mountain Time Zone (i.e. Denver), it's Coffee break time the next morning in Guam. [[https://www.revelation.com/revweb/oecgi4p.php/O4W_HANDOFF?DESTN=O4W_RUN_FORM&INQID=NONWORKS_READ&SUMMARY=1&KEY=5E4848BEBB0CF9E88525669500255E43|View this thread on the forum...]]