[[https://www.revelation.com/|Sign up on the Revelation Software website to have access to the most current content, and to be able to ask questions and get answers from the Revelation community]] ==== Web publishing - Inet_Rlist (OpenInsight Specific) ==== === At 15 OCT 1998 10:13:07AM Oystein Reigem wrote: === {{tag>"OpenInsight Specific"}} :-) Before I begin complaining and asking for features and fixes I'd like to congratulate RevSoft with the Web publishing capabilities of OI. I've spent a couple of days trying out stuff and I've really enjoyed it. So to my questions: When I run a report with function Inet_Rlist, I get the result neatly formatted in an HTML table. But field values that are longer than the display length + 1 suffer. [b]They get broken into several HTML table cells.[/b] Why? HTML cells can easily contain wrapped text. Surely breaking up single value fields like that cannot be good for anything? Also, when long reports are broken into pages, the page break may occur in the middle of long fields. My first idea for a workaround was to change the display length for all my fields. But I assume it then gets difficult to define the reports with Report Builder... My next idea was to edit the row in SYSREPOSREPORTS (*RBLAYOUT*). But the data I saw there made me fairly sure I would have to edit the lengths for [b]all[/b] the fields of the report. I felt certain that if I extended one field, that field would get a much wider column in the HTML table, and the other fields would get narrower columns. Tell me if I am wrong. A much smaller problem: When values do wrap (when the cell width is smaller than the display length), the continuation lines are not aligned with the first line but start very close to the left cell wall. Not very nice to look at. Finally a general problem: What if one wants to do the HTML formatting of reports oneself (either to fix problems like the ones above, or to tailor web reports to special needs)? I assume the HTML formatting is done by subroutine Web_Rlist_Callback. Are there any plans of publishing the source code for this subroutine? (I apologize if the source for Web_Rlist_Callback is already published in the Works. I just searched for "Web_Rlist_Callback" from the Search page (http://www.revelation.com/search.nsf/$SearchForm?SearchSite) and didn't find anything, so I assumed it wasn't published.) - Oystein - [[https://www.revelation.com/revweb/oecgi4p.php/O4W_HANDOFF?DESTN=O4W_RUN_FORM&INQID=NONWORKS_READ&SUMMARY=1&KEY=68FB4D66A62BEB4A8525669E004E1B2E|View this thread on the forum...]]