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==== Not saving multiple data tables (OpenInsight Specific) ====
=== At 06 DEC 2000 12:43:28PM Tom Savell wrote: ===
{{tag>"OpenInsight Specific"}}
I have created a form with two EditTable controls. Each EditTable is data-bound by a separate OI data table but with a common key. When I created the form I used the ?Build Form Selection Criteria? to establish the common association of the key between the two data tables. When I test the form the data is properly being read and loaded into the EditTables from each of the two data files. However if I modify the data and save only one of the data tables is being updated.
I do notice that in the ?Build Form Selection Criteria? setup screen I can only establish the common key associated with one of the two data tables and in fact it is this selected data file that does properly execute a save. If I select the other data table in the ?Ordinal Component List? the ?Selection Criteria? controls are all blank and are protected so I can not establish a key association with this second data table. All four check boxes are checked in the ?Build From Selection Criteria? screen.
What am I doing wrong with my form? What do I have to do to save the data from both EditTables to each of their respective data tables?
Thanks for your help.
Tom Savell
=== At 12 DEC 2000 05:27PM [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote: ===
What fields are defined as the joins? There are some issues with having the joined field as an edittable column.
Can you elaborate on your setup some more?
[url=http://www.sprezzatura.com" ]The Sprezzatura Group[/url]
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