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==== AREV Freezes only when full screen (AREV Specific) ====
=== At 01 DEC 2005 06:07:18PM gramann wrote: ===
{{tag>"AREV Specific"}}
My arev has been freezing when it is running full screen. It works fine as a window (ALT+Enter) with no problems.
If freezes after about a minute and I have to power down the system to recover.
No mouse no keyboard -- dead
I have three different versions that are doing the exact same thing and it started a couple of months ago when I got my new laptop. It's the same as my old laptop XP Pro and same manufacturer (DELL), just faster.
=== At 02 DEC 2005 02:09PM Jim Leong wrote: ===
Does your new laptop have a higher resolution than your previous one? If so, it may not be able to handle lower resolution that Arev runs on.
Any reason why you cannot keep it in the Windows mode?
=== At 07 DEC 2005 06:54AM Hippo wrote: ===
See the TAME/CPU+ topic ... may be you can find answer there
=== At 17 DEC 2005 01:59AM gramann wrote: ===
I have the resolution set the same as the old laptop. It only happens when I running arev. Any other dos program runs fine. It's just Arev and after only a minute or so. I have to power off the computer to recover.
[[https://www.revelation.com/revweb/oecgi4p.php/O4W_HANDOFF?DESTN=O4W_RUN_FORM&INQID=NONWORKS_READ&SUMMARY=1&KEY=94C9F15A3ED7FD77852570CA007F0339|View this thread on the forum...]]