[[https://www.revelation.com/|Sign up on the Revelation Software website to have access to the most current content, and to be able to ask questions and get answers from the Revelation community]] ==== CODE 33, again (AREV Specific) ==== === At 17 NOV 1998 04:50:11PM Eric Allan wrote: === {{tag>"AREV Specific"}} Anyone seen this? +-FS130-------------------------------+ ¦ ¦ ¦ Code 33 has not been been implemented ¦ ¦ in the filing system "RTP57". ¦ ¦ This operation will be cancelled. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ « OK » ¦ +---------------------------------------+ I have removed indexes, copied all records to a new table, re-installed indexes and the problem remains. I've also scanned the data for illegal characters and nothing has turned up. I've even gone as far as checking Area 51 and Studio 54 to no avail. ---- === At 17 NOV 1998 05:50PM akaplan@sprezzatura.com - [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com]Sprezzatura, Inc.[/url] wrote: === As far as I can remember, there's nothing in ARev that will make a 33 call to a BFS. Do you have any custom MFS codes on the system? akaplan@sprezzatura.com [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com]Sprezzatura, Inc.[/url] [img]http://www.sprezzatura.com/zz.jpg[/img] ---- === At 17 NOV 1998 10:12PM Curt wrote: === Area 51 has a sub-area 33 that you may not have known about and which may be conflicting with the fx file. ---- === At 18 NOV 1998 09:26AM Larry Wilson wrote: === I had this happen at a client site recently and fixed it pretty quick. The problem is, I don't remember why it happened or what I did; however, I will go back and review my logs later today and hopefully post an answer. Thanks for reminder about this; I want to include it on my FAQ at my website: Larry Wilson tardis@earthlink.net http://members.tripod.com/rehabsw ---- === At 18 NOV 1998 01:05PM Eric wrote: === No custom MFS to my knowledge. I have been told that this has something to do with the indexing routine, but don't know much else. Do you know more specifics about what Code 33 is? ---- === At 18 NOV 1998 01:22PM akaplan@sprezzatura.com - [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com]Sprezzatura, Inc.[/url] wrote: === Code 33 is the SELECT.INDEX code for a filing system call. This code was put in place for alternate filing systems that have index based selects that differ from standard selects. Advanced Revelation and OpenInsight do not stored embeded indexes directly into the file structure and use what's called secondary indexing. As such, there is no code in the system that would make this call. A custom MFS might. Corrupted object code might do this as well. If it's comming from a particular place, or you can follow back a trail, that might help. You could also put on a custom MFS that does nothing but trap for this code. From there you could probably deduce a bit more info from the other passed parameters. akaplan@sprezzatura.com [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com]Sprezzatura, Inc.[/url] [img]http://www.sprezzatura.com/zz.jpg[/img] [[https://www.revelation.com/revweb/oecgi4p.php/O4W_HANDOFF?DESTN=O4W_RUN_FORM&INQID=NONWORKS_READ&SUMMARY=1&KEY=B58F01DB483569B0852566BF0077F3B5|View this thread on the forum...]]