[[https://www.revelation.com/|Sign up on the Revelation Software website to have access to the most current content, and to be able to ask questions and get answers from the Revelation community]] ==== Rebuilding Indexes (AREV Specific) ==== === At 03 MAY 2001 11:59:21AM Matt Sorrell wrote: === {{tag>"AREV Specific"}} Is there a way to programatically rebuild an entire index? I have found an entry in SYSOBJ called $REBUILDINDEX_SUB, and it appears to be the system routine used for this task. However, I cannot find any documentation on it. Does anyone have the parameter list for this subroutine? msorrel@greyhound.com ---- === At 03 MAY 2001 12:04PM Matt Sorrell wrote: === Never mind. I just found exactly what I was looking for in the KB. Don't know why I didn't check there first. *thud* msorrel@greyhound.com ---- === At 03 MAY 2001 01:29PM Patrick Caufield wrote: === THIS MAY BE A DUM QUESTION BUT WHAT IS THE KB. THANK YOU PAT ---- === At 04 MAY 2001 02:49AM Stefano Cavaglieri wrote: === KB stands for Knowledge Base ---- === At 04 MAY 2001 04:12AM [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote: === You can downlaod a free utility for OI that displays the various KBs in a nice easy to use form from http://www.sprezzatura.com/sysknow.zip. [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com" ]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] [i]World Leaders in all things RevSoft[/i] [img]http://www.sprezzatura.com/zz.gif[/img] [[https://www.revelation.com/revweb/oecgi4p.php/O4W_HANDOFF?DESTN=O4W_RUN_FORM&INQID=NONWORKS_READ&SUMMARY=1&KEY=D1C27A69E3E0BFAE85256A410057D4D8|View this thread on the forum...]]