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==== How can I import files from "my documents" into arev? (AREV Specific) ====
=== At 03 MAY 2000 02:05:48AM Jim Tassano wrote: ===
{{tag>"AREV Specific"}}
I use arev 2.12. I want to import some text files emailed me into arev so I can process them better. How do I import this stuff?
=== At 03 MAY 2000 05:23AM [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote: ===
We assume you know how to use the Import facilities in AREV? So you just tell the system to import from c:\mydocu~1 the short name for My Documents.
[url=http://www.sprezzatura.com" ]The Sprezzatura Group[/url]
[i]World Leaders in all things RevSoft[/i]
=== At 03 MAY 2000 10:18AM Dale Walker wrote: ===
You may encounter problems with C:\my documents - because AREV has problems with directories that dont abide by the 8.3 rule.
Try using the tilde as suggested by sprezz. I assume that these documents are .txt or .csv files.
What I have done is to import them into a temporary file and then manipulated the data so that it is saved in the appropriate table.
=== At 03 MAY 2000 01:36PM Jim Tassano wrote: ===
Yes. I tried importing, using the c:\mydocu~1 approach, as an ascii file from the F10 menu in TCL. It brings some strange stuff into the file. JIM
=== At 03 MAY 2000 01:39PM [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com" onMouseOver=window.status=Click here to visit our web site?';return(true)]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote: ===
Then the file has strange stuff in it. We saw this when someone attempted to import an XLS using ASCII import recently!
[url=http://www.sprezzatura.com" ]The Sprezzatura Group[/url]
[i]World Leaders in all things RevSoft[/i]
=== At 03 MAY 2000 02:42PM JIm Tassano wrote: ===
Let me elaborate more:"strange stuff" means, in this case, the first couple of records have some symbols, and every other record is blank. It is a doc file I am importing, and the F10 option-tools, import, ascii lists "text" as the type of dos file to import. That could be it? Is it fixable?
=== At 03 MAY 2000 06:28PM JIm Tassano wrote: ===
Let me elaborate more:"strange stuff" means, in this case, the first couple of records have some symbols, and every other record is blank. It is a doc file I am importing, and the F10 option-tools, import, ascii lists "text" as the type of dos file to import. That could be it? Is it fixable?
=== At 03 MAY 2000 08:05PM Warren wrote: ===
Are these 'pure' text files with no extended ASCII characters in them?
What happens if you edit the text/docs with notepad or wordpad? Are there strange symbols there? If so, the files weren't saved as straight ASCII.
=== At 04 MAY 2000 11:46AM dsig@teleport.com wrote: ===
Quite likely the file is not a straight ascii file (as others have noted) but contain extended characters put there by word or wordpad.
Try opening the file in Notepad (if less than 64k .. if larger go to www.download.com and download TEXTPAD .. this is a brilliant replacement for notepad). You will have to 'trim the fat' as they say.
dsig@teleport.com onmouseover=window.status=imagine ... a company that supports it products with pride not extortion;return(true)"
David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions
cell: 503-341-2983
=== At 04 MAY 2000 12:46PM Dale Walker wrote: ===
Since this is a Doc file (Word Document) then the document needs to be saved as an ascii file. The strange stuff is the header to the document and you need to get rid of it. Bring the document into word and save it as a .txt file (dont just rename it) File|Save As choose the type of document - .txt.
After you do this then import it as an ascii file into arev.
=== At 04 MAY 2000 07:38PM Jim Tassano wrote: ===
Thanks DSig! I downloaded textpad, copied the doc file there, cleaned off that first header stuff, and saved as txt file. It imported perfectly fine. Now easy to process within arev!!
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