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==== Accelerator Keys no longer functioning. (OpenInsight 32-bit Specific) ====
=== At 18 AUG 2006 07:41:18AM Jon Adams wrote: ===
{{tag>"OpenInsight 32-bit Specific"}}
In our 16 Bit prouct (OI3.7.4) we use Alt & + and Alt & - as accelerator keys to trigger button clicks allow a user to move through windows which contain relational or historical pages of data, this combination of accelator keys no longer functions in our 32 Bit products (OI 7.0 and 7.2.1).
The 16 Bit product at some point before my time also used to use combinations of Alt & ], Alt & <, Alt & }, and Alt & {, to allow users to transfer individual or bulk data items between listboxes by again triggering a button click. This looks like it has not functioned for quite some time in our 16 Bit product and obviously also in our later 32 Bit versions.
Does anyone know why these have stopped working, I am particulalry interested in the 'Alt & -' and 'Alt & +' combinations not working as we have customers who have moved to our 32 Bit products who are expecting it to work.
=== At 14 SEP 2006 11:09AM Jon Adams wrote: ===
Update from Bill Caisley at RevTech (UK):-
Revelation will not be able to address this at present and it will most probably not be in OI8.0 either.
I can offer you two 'workaround' solutions that you might employ but both will mean updating all the relevant windows.
Firstly as you mentioned below you can change the accelerator keys to some other value. Only 0 - 9 and Aa - Zz works with the new release (7) of OI.
Secondly you can create a hidden menu item and set the ACCELERATOR property to + or - as required. The trick being the hidden menu key and the set_property accelerator. E.G. set_property menu item accelerator VK_PLUS + 1024
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