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==== AUTOMATIC F9 (AREV Specific) ====
=== At 19 OCT 1998 05:00:51AM Mike Norton wrote: ===
{{tag>"AREV Specific"}}
This is probabaly a RTFM type problem but I have RTFM and still cannot find what I want...
PROBLEM: I have a number of prompts within a window, under certain conditions I need to execute an in response to the users input and save the window without them entering any further details.
=== At 19 OCT 1998 07:32AM Andrew P McAuley wrote: ===
Easiest way is
$Insert SysInclude, LcFunctions
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=== At 19 OCT 1998 08:49AM Victor Engel wrote: ===
[[https://www.revelation.com/revweb/oecgi4p.php/O4W_HANDOFF?DESTN=O4W_RUN_FORM&INQID=NONWORKS_READ&SUMMARY=1&KEY=F58E780051B7A17C852566A200318443|View this thread on the forum...]]