{{tag>category:"OpenInsight 32-Bit" author:"dsig@sigafoos.org" author:"Richard Hunt" author:"The Sprezzatura Group" author:"[url=http://www.sprezzatura.com]The Sprezzatura Group[/url]"}}
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==== By-Exp (OpenInsight 32-Bit) ====
=== At 18 FEB 2004 06:35:47AM dsig@sigafoos.org wrote: ===
is BY-EXP supported in OI? I just added BY-EXP field (where field is MV) and got back no results. Hmmm I say ..
No mention in the HELP file
[url=http://www.sigafoos.org/samweb]DSigs Radio Free Oregon[/url]
Phone: 971-570-2005
OS: WinXP Pro
=== At 18 FEB 2004 06:39AM dsig@sigafoos.org wrote: ===
Belay that last matey .. it turns out the captain was just fogged by his rum
It isn't in the HELP file so getting it in there would be good .. but it appears that the data I am working with is crap and there are a lot of blanks at the beginning
[url=http://www.sigafoos.org/samweb]DSigs Radio Free Oregon[/url]
Phone: 971-570-2005
OS: WinXP Pro
OI: 7.0
=== At 18 FEB 2004 11:28AM Richard Hunt wrote: ===
I have noticed that the "BY-EXP" is just the same as using "BY". "BY-EXP" seems to have no purpose in OI.
Other multivalued products use "BY" for single value sorts and use "BY-EXP" for multivalue sorts.
=== At 18 FEB 2004 11:49AM The Sprezzatura Group wrote: ===
But that requires the user to KNOW that the field is multi-valued :-)
The Sprezzatura Group
[i]World Leaders in all things RevSoft[/i]
=== At 19 FEB 2004 02:25AM dsig@sigafoos.org wrote: ===
wouldn't want users to know anything .. take away consultant billings
[url=http://www.sigafoos.org/samweb]DSigs Radio Free Oregon[/url]
Phone: 971-570-2005
OS: WinXP Pro
OI: 7.0
=== At 19 FEB 2004 02:41AM [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote: ===
Too right - what next - people performing DIY circumcisions 'cos they read it on the internet :-)? Hmmm that's where the Nip Tuck people got the story arc from....
Users shouldn't need to know anything about the underlying architecture - the software should work. I haven't got a clue how my petrol injection engine works and I certainly can't optimise it - I pay specialists to do that. Doesn't stop me getting from A to B though.
I'm not anti users knowing what goes on underneath the hood. I'm anti users NEEDING to know what goes on underneath the hood before they can use the software. BY-EXP is such an example.
[url=http://www.sprezzatura.com]The Sprezzatura Group[/url]
[i]World Leaders in all things RevSoft[/i]
=== At 19 FEB 2004 01:04PM Richard Hunt wrote: ===
I am not sure where this topic is heading!
Although... UniVerse to OI conversions might want to know that "BY" and "BY-EXP" do not produce results the same!!!
[[https://www.revelation.com/revweb/oecgi4p.php/O4W_HANDOFF?DESTN=O4W_RUN_FORM&INQID=WORKS_READ&SUMMARY=1&KEY=1CB2E8A8068D36A785256E3E003FB3C6|View this thread on the Works forum...]]