{{tag>category:"OpenInsight 32-Bit" author:"Dale Jessop" author:"Simon Wilmot"}}
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==== Background colour on editbox with Rich Editor checked (OpenInsight 32-Bit) ====
=== At 15 APR 2010 06:14:16AM Dale Jessop wrote: ===
Is it possible to change the background colour of the edit box somehow when you have the 'Rich Editor' valud checked?
Any help/ideas appreciated
=== At 15 APR 2010 06:36AM Dale Jessop wrote: ===
WM_USER$ =0x0400
void=SendMessage(hwnd , EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR$, 0, 230 + (230*256) + (255*65536) )
=== At 15 APR 2010 07:26AM Simon Wilmot wrote: ===
Hi Dale,
Interesting development - what version of OI is that on ??
=== At 15 APR 2010 08:46AM Dale Jessop wrote: ===
Hi Simon,
This is on OI 8.0 but in theory the code would work from 4.1.3 above (i think).
It appears the background property in OI can't be set but you can force windows via the API to do it for you.
[[https://www.revelation.com/revweb/oecgi4p.php/O4W_HANDOFF?DESTN=O4W_RUN_FORM&INQID=WORKS_READ&SUMMARY=1&KEY=34C2284B2259F4F58525770600383D41|View this thread on the Works forum...]]