{{tag>category:"OpenInsight 32-bit" author:"Arsath Ahammed" author:"Andrew McAuley" author:"Jared Bratu"}} [[https://www.revelation.com/the-works|Join The Works program to have access to the most current content, and to be able to ask questions and get answers from Revelation staff and the Revelation community]] ==== Open Insight Error on Citrix (OpenInsight 32-bit) ==== === At 02 AUG 2011 03:02:08PM Arsath Ahammed wrote: === Hi, I am trying to give Open Insight to our branch office through Citrix. I get several errors on accessing OI from Citrix -the key words being Linear Hash files,Universal Driver, Boot Failed, unable to load primary objects. Instead of linking OpenInsight.exe on Citrix, If i give a link to the Open Insight installation folder and browse to OpenInsight.exe, it works without any error. But for obvious reasons, I cannot use this option. I initially had Open Insight mapped on a network drive in Citrix server, I then tried installing OI on Citrix server, but this did not help as well. I read in another post in this forum about having to install Linear Hash files etc, I am using 9.2.1 with a UniData database. Thanks, Arsath Ahammed ---- === At 02 AUG 2011 07:17PM Andrew McAuley wrote: === sounds as if your shortcut doesn't have the "Start in" directory defined. [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] [url=http://www.sprezzatura.com/blog]The Sprezzatura Blog[/url] [i]World leaders in all things RevSoft[/i] [img]http://www.sprezzatura.com/zz.gif[/img] ---- === At 03 AUG 2011 08:31AM Jared Bratu wrote: === Andrew's suggestion to check the working directory / start in folder is probably the cause and worth checking. This probably isn't an issue but verify the mapped network driver is connected. When you run oinsight.exe directly the environment might not be the same as when you launch a shell to execute oinsight.exe. You will need the LinearHash service provided by the Universal Driver installed on the server where the .LK/.OV files reside. Even though your back end database is UniData the LinearHash service will be needed to manage concurrent access to the application repository and non-UniData tables. The Universal Driver 4.6 Network User License is provided as part of your OI 9.x license. It can be [url=http://www.revelation.com/OIDownload.nsf/e8aacf614c272762852566fd006c25c9/2178f85f107a86c58525783800512398?OpenDocument]downloaded from here.[/url] If you don't have the Universal Driver's LinearHash service installed on the server then remove the REVPARAM file, if present, in the OpenInsight root directory. You should be able to sign 1 user in for single user access. Multiple users will require the LinearHash service. When you write back please include the error message / number from the first message that appears. ---- === At 08 AUG 2011 03:12AM Arsath Ahammed wrote: === There were two problems, 1) I had hosted Open Insight on Citrix from a network drive. You are right about the mapping problem. The network drive mapping had to be done for each user. So I wrote a script in to windows logon to keep the drive mapped for all users. 2) I had specified the working directory correctly, but that was not the source of the problem. The Linear hash error always comes when there is not sufficient permission to execute OI. I had to allow some permissions for Citrix/Users and that did it. Thanks Arsath Ahammed [[https://www.revelation.com/revweb/oecgi4p.php/O4W_HANDOFF?DESTN=O4W_RUN_FORM&INQID=WORKS_READ&SUMMARY=1&KEY=43A30E6200049A3CDB882B800|View this thread on the Works forum...]]