{{tag>category:"OpenInsight 32-Bit" author:"Cully A Cobb" author:"Sean FitzSimons" author:"Bryan Shumsky" author:"dsig@sigafoos.org"}}
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==== oinsight.ini, sidebar buttons, and executables (OpenInsight 32-Bit) ====
=== At 01 JUL 2009 02:02:15PM Cully A Cobb wrote: ===
Hiya folks,
I had a question about adding side bar buttons to the oinsight.ini file. I'm able to add window executables from OIWINEXE easily, but I haven't been able to add direct calls to programs. Is it possible? What would be the proper call?
Thanks in advance!
=== At 01 JUL 2009 02:54PM Sean FitzSimons wrote: ===
Sorry, but at this time, the buttons may only launch windows. You could launch an invisible window, run your program from the Create event and then close the window.
=== At 02 JUL 2009 05:48PM Cully A Cobb wrote: ===
Thanks Sean, I'll try a form based approach.
=== At 16 JUL 2009 12:44PM Bryan Shumsky wrote: ===
Hi, Cully. Sorry for the delay in responding, but I thought Sean's answer was correct until I needed to test something myself.
When you configure the sidebar button to launch a window, you typically specify OIWINEXE** (for example, OIWINEXE**CTO_STANDALONE_FORM). I've found that if you instead specify a repository path to a stored procedure, then the stored procedure _will_ be invoked (for example, STPROCEXE**MYPROC). Note that you cannot pass in any parameters or anything, so I don't know if this is an adequate solution to your problem or not, but I thought this information might be useful.
Hope it helps,
- Bryan Shumsky
Revelation Software
=== At 23 JUL 2009 01:31PM dsig@sigafoos.org wrote: ===
It sounds like this is more the 'repository' function instead of just a window... I wonder if a report or other item could be executed the same way... hummm
[[https://www.revelation.com/revweb/oecgi4p.php/O4W_HANDOFF?DESTN=O4W_RUN_FORM&INQID=WORKS_READ&SUMMARY=1&KEY=58E2EDFBD0F10567852575E600631542|View this thread on the Works forum...]]