{{tag>category:"OpenInsight 32-bit" author:"Dave Harmacek" author:"Barry Stevens" author:"bshumsky"}}
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==== Eliminate O4W minimum browser notification (OpenInsight 32-bit) ====
=== At 13 DEC 2011 02:12:01PM Dave Harmacek wrote: ===
using O4W in OI 9.2.1
I've search low and high for how to eliminate the browser complaint in O4W.
My IE 9 and FireFox 8 don't give me the notification, but someone's IE 8 does.
I tried just removing the text from the CONFIG browser record in O4W
but the notification still appears in IE 8.
Please, how do I eliminate this complaint. Our application goes to the masses
so we have no way to ask them to upgrade before using out application.
=== At 13 DEC 2011 03:17PM Barry Stevens wrote: ===
btw: What sort of an application do you have in O4W. Just interested in what it is being used for.
=== At 13 DEC 2011 05:18PM bshumsky wrote: ===
using O4W in OI 9.2.1
I've search low and high for how to eliminate the browser complaint in O4W.
My IE 9 and FireFox 8 don't give me the notification, but someone's IE 8 does.
I tried just removing the text from the CONFIG browser record in O4W
but the notification still appears in IE 8.
Please, how do I eliminate this complaint. Our application goes to the masses
so we have no way to ask them to upgrade before using out application.
Hi, Dave. The first thing to try is, on the O4W Configuration Maintenance form, on the Browsers tab, wipe out any values in the "Min Version" column of the browser list table. Be sure to press "Save Changes", and then see if the message disappears.
If that doesn't work, we can try to remove the message more completely. I don't remember if this was available in 9.2.1, but when you look at the "Browsers" tab in your O4W Configuration Maintenance form, do you see the "Warning message to display for unsupported browsers" textbox? If you do, please wipe out all the text in that textbox, and be sure to press "Save Changes".
If this is _not_ shown on your configuration screen, you must edit the proper configuration record manually in the OpenInsight editor. Note that the particular application you are using may have its own configuration record, so look in the O4WCONFIG table for a record named *CFG_O4W (for example, EXAMPLES*CFG_O4W). If there is no application-specific configuration record, then edit up the "master" record CFG_O4W in the O4WCONFIG table.
In the appropriate configuration record, field 43 contains the text of the warning message; please wipe out the text (but do NOT delete the attribute entirely, as you don't want to throw off the remaining fields). Save the configuration record, and then call up the O4W Configuration Maintenance form (or if it's already displayed, press "Refresh" on your browser), and press the "Save Changes" button.
Hopefully this should eliminate the problem for you.
- Bryan Shumsky
[url=http://www.revelation.com]Revelation Software, Inc.[/url]
=== At 14 DEC 2011 08:22AM Dave Harmacek wrote: ===
Thanks, Bryan, but none of this worked.
The exact message says
"This website requires capabilities not supported by your browser. Please install Google Chrome Frame Plugin."
I did a search of O4WCONFIG and SYSENV and didn't find "capabilities" in either table.
The text of O4WCONFIG CFG_O4W records don't contain this message in <43>, but I
can see a script for [ if IE ] in <46>.
Dave Harmacek
Harmacek Database Systems
=== At 14 DEC 2011 09:15AM bshumsky wrote: ===
Thanks, Bryan, but none of this worked.
The exact message says
"This website requires capabilities not supported by your browser. Please install Google Chrome Frame Plugin."
I did a search of O4WCONFIG and SYSENV and didn't find "capabilities" in either table.
The text of O4WCONFIG CFG_O4W records don't contain this message in <43>, but I
can see a script for [ if IE ] in <46>.
Dave Harmacek
Harmacek Database Systems
Hi, Dave. Ah, now I see the confusion - you're _not_ talking about the "minimum browser" requirement, you're talking about the Chrome Frame plug-in announcement. These are two separate issues.
In 9.3, on the "Browsers" tab of the Configuration Maintenance form, there is a checkbox that allows you to disable the Chrome Frame plugin; however, in 9.2.1 you must manually remove this in the configuration record. Note that every time you save the configuration record, the Chrome Frame plugin script will be restored, and thus you must manually remove it each time (until you upgrade to 9.3, and control it with the checkbox).
Edit up the proper CFG_O4W record from the O4WCONFIG table using the OpenInsight editor in the desktop application, and wipe out the contents of field 46 (again, don't _delete_ field 46, since that would throw off the remaining fields in the record). Save the configuration record, and refresh your browser, and the Chrome Frame plugin should be gone.
- Bryan Shumsky
[url=http://www.revelation.com]Revelation Software, Inc.[/url]
=== At 14 DEC 2011 09:40AM Dave Harmacek wrote: ===
That removal of text on <46> worked.
Dave Harmacek
Harmacek Database Systems
[[https://www.revelation.com/revweb/oecgi4p.php/O4W_HANDOFF?DESTN=O4W_RUN_FORM&INQID=WORKS_READ&SUMMARY=1&KEY=5EB3EA4B00042C32FEDE04400|View this thread on the Works forum...]]