{{tag>category:"OpenInsight 64-bit" author:"cmeyer" author:"Barry Stevens" author:"bob carten"}} [[https://www.revelation.com/the-works|Join The Works program to have access to the most current content, and to be able to ask questions and get answers from Revelation staff and the Revelation community]] ==== Multiple RLIST (OpenInsight 64-bit) ==== === At 13 JAN 2022 05:49:43PM cmeyer wrote: === I noticed RJC used multiple RLIST commands. This is not documented (AFAIK). Is this for OI9xx as well as OI10xx. cmds = 'SELECT VOC WITH F1 "RBASIC"' cmds<-1> ='SELECT VOC WITHOUT F3 EQ "SYSOBJ"' Call rlist(cmds,5) . Chris ---- === At 13 JAN 2022 06:10PM Barry Stevens wrote: === I noticed RJC used multiple RLIST commands. This is not documented (AFAIK). Is this for OI9xx as well as OI10xx. cmds = 'SELECT VOC WITH F1 "RBASIC"' cmds<-1> ='SELECT VOC WITHOUT F3 EQ "SYSOBJ"' Call rlist(cmds,5) . Chris [url=https://revdevx.com/2021/10/07/rlist-extended-new-features-for-openinsight-10-1/]rlist extended[/url] ---- === At 13 JAN 2022 06:42PM bob carten wrote: === Rlist support for multiple selects is a new feature in Oi10. The oi 9 Select_into function supports stacked selects, but not rlist. Oi9 has slight differences between the syntax used for rlist, run_report and select into. In oi 10 we have tried to merge the different code based into one, with the same syntax available to all interfaces. [[https://www.revelation.com/revweb/oecgi4p.php/O4W_HANDOFF?DESTN=O4W_RUN_FORM&INQID=WORKS_READ&SUMMARY=1&KEY=743AE560E444DC42B222D2FF0BB99431|View this thread on the Works forum...]]