{{tag>category:"OpenInsight 32-bit" author:"Ed Keeman" author:"Andrew McAuley"}} [[https://www.revelation.com/the-works|Join The Works program to have access to the most current content, and to be able to ask questions and get answers from Revelation staff and the Revelation community]] ==== Application multi language (OpenInsight 32-bit) ==== === At 27 NOV 2021 06:18:32AM Ed Keeman wrote: === Hi, We want to make our (dutch) application also available in the english languages. We tried setting MFS on SYSREPOSPOPUPS and SYSREPOSWINEXES but somehow MFS won't work on REVBOOT. What is the best practice for making applications multilingual? Ed Keeman ---- === At 30 NOV 2021 04:29AM Andrew McAuley wrote: === There is multi language support built into 9 where it stores the control text in a language keyed control record BUT there is no reason that an MFS should not work in REVBOOT. Did you resave the database image after adding it? [url=https://www.sprezzatura.com]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] [url=https://www.sprezzatura.com/blog]The Sprezzatura Blog[/url] [i]World leaders in all things RevSoft[/i] [img]https://www.sprezzatura.com/zz.gif[/img] ---- === At 01 DEC 2021 10:17AM Ed Keeman wrote: === MFS works now in REVBOOT. We did not save the image after installing mfs. Thanks Ed Keeman [[https://www.revelation.com/revweb/oecgi4p.php/O4W_HANDOFF?DESTN=O4W_RUN_FORM&INQID=WORKS_READ&SUMMARY=1&KEY=8CED7C03F37C414DB2F27CA4FEAEDDBE|View this thread on the Works forum...]]