{{tag>category:"OpenInsight 32-Bit" author:"Martin Drenovac" author:"Chris Meyer"}} [[https://www.revelation.com/the-works|Join The Works program to have access to the most current content, and to be able to ask questions and get answers from Revelation staff and the Revelation community]] ==== Recompiled window crashing OI (OpenInsight 32-Bit) ==== === At 03 NOV 2009 12:25:03AM Martin Drenovac wrote: === I've recently tried to tart up some old Rel 4.x windows, and whilst the process is fine. I then run the window and on a PAGE (tab change), the whole OI world collapses upon itself. I'm making the assumption that we've somewhere resized common and the environment is caving in on itself, but am happy to learn otherwise. OI crashed completely, nothing into the debugger - so is there a particular mode to track down what's causing it, because the screen works for a while then we press tab to go to another (sending the PAGE event) and kaboommmmmm.. As always, your help is appreciated.. ---- === At 03 NOV 2009 01:03AM Martin Drenovac wrote: === The error msg: Unrecoverable OpenEng.... Out of Memory Runtime error Abnormal Program Termination.. ---- === At 03 NOV 2009 04:46AM Chris Meyer wrote: === Bob Orsini sent me a form fix routine I need to run on some old forms because the form cannot be read into form designer and crashes. Send me an email and I can send you the fix. ---- === At 03 NOV 2009 07:51AM Martin Drenovac wrote: === Cheers Chris - don't know your email. Here's mine: martin@powerforcesoftware.com - Thanks again. [[https://www.revelation.com/revweb/oecgi4p.php/O4W_HANDOFF?DESTN=O4W_RUN_FORM&INQID=WORKS_READ&SUMMARY=1&KEY=AA0B52C5E2736BA185257663001DC2BB|View this thread on the Works forum...]]