{{tag>category:"presentation server" }} ====== Split-Button controls ====== === Published 29 JUL 2013 at 12:01:31AM === == Updated on 26 JUL 2013 at 12:01:31AM == Continuing with the [[http://revdevx.wordpress.com/2013/07/26/button-controls/|recent focus on Button controls]], this time we're going to take a look at another new Button feature: Split-Buttons. [caption id="attachment_997" align="aligncenter" width="239"][[http://revdevx.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/pb_split.png|{{16647.0010532407_1.png}}]] Split-Button using Aero styling[/caption] This button style was introduced with Windows Vista **(*)** and basically divides the button into two parts: The main part behaves like a normal push-button and fires a **CLICK** event when pressed, whilst the other part (normally drawn with a down arrow) fires a **DROPDOWN** event instead of a **CLICK** (if a context menu is linked to the button then this is displayed instead). Split-Button support in OpenInsight 10 is exposed via the following properties: * **SPLITBUTTON** * **SPLITWIDTH** * **SPLITSEPARATOR** ==== SPLITBUTTON property ==== To enable Split-Button functionality the **SPLITBUTTON** property can be set to one of the following values: * "R" - creates a Split-Button with the main part to the left and the drop-down arrow part on the right. * "L" - creates a Split-Button with the main part to the right and the drop-down arrow part on the left. [caption id="attachment_998" align="aligncenter" width="239"][[http://revdevx.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/pb_split_r.png|{{16647.0010532407_2.png}}]] Left-aligned Split-Button using XP-styling[/caption] Setting the **SPLITBUTTON** property to NULL ("") removes the Split-Button styling from the control. ==== SPLITWIDTH property ==== This property specifies the size in pixels of the arrow part of the control. ==== SPLITSEPARATOR property ==== The functionality of a Split-Button can be changed by the **SPLITSEPARATOR** property.  By default the property is TRUE ("1"), but when set to FALSE ("0") the line between the two parts of the button is removed and the //entire button// then behaves as a "drop-down button" - i.e. clicking the button displays a context menu or fires a **DROPDOWN** event. [caption id="attachment_999" align="aligncenter" width="239"][[http://revdevx.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/bn_split_nosep.png|{{16647.0010532407_3.png}}]] Aero-style Split-Button without separator[/caption] ===== The Split-Glyph API ===== For those of you who really can't help customizing as much as possible the Split-Button also supports an API to allow you to change the default down arrow in the drop-down part of the control. This is the "Split-Glyph API" and mirrors most of the normal Button control "Glyph API" described previously. The only difference is the name of the properties - they are all prefixed with "SPLIT", i.e. * **SPLITGLYPH** * ****SPLIT**GLYPHCOLORKEY** * ****SPLIT**GLYPHCOUNT** * ****SPLIT**GLYPHFRAMECOUNT** * ****SPLIT**GLYPHFRAMENUMBER** * ****SPLIT**GLYPHOFFSET** * ****SPLIT**GLYPHORIGIN** * ******SPLIT**GLYPHSIZE**** * ****SPLIT**GLYPHTRANSLUCENCY** [caption id="attachment_1003" align="aligncenter" width="249"][[http://revdevx.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/bn_split_glyph.png|{{16647.0010532407_4.png}}]] Split-Button with split-glyph using XP styling[/caption] **(*)** Although Microsoft only introduced Split-Buttons into Windows with the release of Vista, (and then only with visual styles enabled) it should be noted that the OpenInsight Split-Button //is// supported on XP as well, even running under the Windows Classic theme. [caption id="attachment_1006" align="aligncenter" width="249"][[http://revdevx.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/bn_split_glyph_classic.png|{{16647.0010532407_5.png}}]] Classic mode Split-Button[/caption] //(Disclaimer: This article is based on preliminary information and may be subject to change in the final release version of OpenInsight 10).// === Comments === == Original ID: revdevx.wordpress.com/?p=976 ==