====== Uncommon Knowledge - WC_Id_Next%===== ^Published By^Date^Version^Knowledge Level^Keywords^ |Sprezzatura Ltd|01 AUG 1991|2.03+|EXPERT|WINDOW_COMMON%, WC_ID_NEXT%, WC_NEW_ID%| A variable used to indicate to the system what the next record ID used ought to be. To indicate to the system that a new id is active, the variable WC_New_Id% must also be set to true. Then depending upon the location in the processing, and upon the value of WC_RESET%, the value in WC_Id_Next% will become the new Id. The Reset values required to force the system to recognise WC_Id_Next% are identical to those required for WC_Browse_Next% as documented in Vol 2 Issue 10 q.v. Note that when loading new Ids in this manner, the cursor will remain at the current prompt. In the case of a new record this might not be desirable. It might therefore be wise to amend the code loading WC_Id_Next% to set WC_Wi_Next% either to the starting prompt (if one has been specified for the window using Paint, F10, Customise) or to the prompt immediately following the key (using Key_Cnt documented later) as follows WC_ID_NEXT% = NEXT_REC_ID WC_NEW_ID% = TRUE$ IF WC_START% THEN WC_WI_NEXT% = WC_START% END ELSE WC_WI_NEXT% = WC_KEY_CNT% + 1 END To clear the screen programatically (as though F8 had been pressed but without the double check), load WC_Id_Next% with null and set WC_New_Id% to true. Note that in most circumstances, WC_Id_Next% is just a specialised form of WC_Browse_Next% loaded with a single value so the same effect could be achieved by setting WC_Browse_Next% to null and WC_New_Browse% to true. (Volume 3, Issue 4, Page 14)