====== Reader's Clinic - Suppressing Break-On Columns (Again!)===== ^Published By^Date^Version^Knowledge Level^Keywords^ |Sprezzatura Ltd|01 DEC 1991|2.1+|EXPERT|BREAK-ON, RLIST, JUSTLEN, NC| Richard Guise of Consulting Support Services Ltd makes the point that whilst the statement JUSTLEN "10" will work in an RLIST command, the statement JUSTLEN "0" will fail. With this in mind he suggests the following group type dictionary item in the dict of VOC (called for example NC) |Type|G| |Group|"'BP'" JUSTLEN "L0"| Break values can then be included in headings but not in the body of the report by including NC in the statement as follows LIST PEOPLE BY TOWN BREAK-ON TOWN NC HEADING "Town = 'B'" (Volume 3, Issue 7, Page 12)