For the purposes of this example we will be using Couchbase Server version 5.0.1-5003 Community, and using the Data Bucket called CBBFS_EXAMPLES_B64.
1. The easiest way to define a new Couchbase connection is to use the CBFS Connection Wizard. It can be found from the OpenInsight 10 IDE by clicking, NEW, Database Components, Cloud-based DataSource.
From the New Data Source dialog box choose Connection Class: CBBFS and enter your Connection Name: CBBFS_EXAMPLES_B64.
Enter the server address of your Couchbase server. The default Couchbase Admin port is: 8091.
Clicking on the ‘Next’ button brings up the Schema panel that prompts for the Bucket Name. This is the name of the bucket where you want to store your OpenInsight data. The default Bucket Port number is: 8092.
The next panel displayed is where the Server Credentials are entered for use with your Couchbase Bucket. Enter the Couchbase administrator user name and password.
The next panel displayed is where the Database Credentials are entered for use with your Couchbase Bucket. Enter the Couchbase user name and password that was created under the Security menu.
1. The next panel prompts for your Storage Mode. The Storage Modes are as follows:
Base64: Stores records in Couchbase as base64 encoded strings. This is the fastest method for OpenInsight, but not friendly to other applications. Base64 supports SI.MFS (System Indexing MFS), but not Couchbase native indexes.
Encrypted: This storage type is similar to Base64, but each row is encrypted, so they can only be decrypted by your application. Encryption will decrease performance. Encryption does not support SI.MFS (System Indexing MFS).
JSON: Stores records in a format which is readable by other applications designed to consume Couchbase data. JSON performance is slower than Base64. JSON allows Couchbase indexes, but not SI.MFS (System Indexing MFS).
The Wizard is now complete and you can manage your connection from the screen below. Connection details can be maintained via the Property Panel.
The Design Document property defaults to: rti_revmedia. Do not change this.
The Table attribute property defaults to: rti_table. Do not change this.
The Key attribute property defaults to: rti_atid. Do not change this.
The Record attribute property defaults to: rti_atrecord. Do not change this.
The Lock mode choices in the property panel are: Optimistic and Pessimistic.
From the OpenInsight IDE go to File, Save to save your connection details.