The following code will create a simple entry form. Screen images are displayed below, after the code.
Subroutine O4W_EXAMPLE_2(CtrlEntId, Event, Request) * Example #2: A simple entry/collection form * Establish some constants we'll use in the example Equ SizeList$ To "Small,Medium,Large" Equ SizeCode$ To "S,M,L" Equ SizeCost$ To "700,1000,1300" Equ ToppingList$ To "Pepperoni,Sausage,Extra Cheese,Mushrooms" Equ ToppingCode$ To "P,S,C,M" Equ ToppingCost$ To "100,100,50,100" * Always include our equates $Insert O4WEquates * Determine how we were called, and what to do Begin Case Case event _eqc "CREATE" ; Gosub Create_Event Case event _eqc "CLICK" ; Gosub Click_Event End Case * Return 0 CREATE_EVENT: * Creation event - called the first time through for each application * Specify that this will generate a full web page O4WForm() * Define the section that the form will go in O4WSectionStart('mainSection') * Put up the 'header' describing the page O4WHeader("Revelation Software POS (Pizza Ordering System)", 4) * "Space down" a few blank lines O4WBreak() O4WBreak() * Use a table to align everything neatly O4WTableStart("mainTable") * Display a prompt in the first 'cell' of the table O4WSetCell(1,1) O4WText("Delivery Address: ") * And put up a 'textbox' for the response in the next 'cell' O4WSetCell(1,2) O4WTextbox('', '', '', 'ADD1') * Repeat for the other desired information * Notice the shortcut: only specifying the 'row number' to O4WSetCell automatically puts you in the first column of that row O4WSetCell(2) O4WText("Address 2:") /* Notice the shortcut: if neither the row nor column is specified in O4WSetCell, it automatically puts you in the next column of the current row */ O4WSetCell() O4WTextbox('','','','ADD2') O4WSetCell(3) O4WText("City:") O4WSetCell() O4WTextBox('','','','CITY') O4WSetCell(4) O4WText("State:") O4WSetCell() O4WTextBox('','','','STATE') O4WSetCell(5) O4WText("Zip:") O4WSetCell() O4WTextBox('','','','ZIP') O4WSetCell(6) O4WText("Pizza Size:") O4WSetCell() /* Display a list of choices as radio buttons (allowing only a single choice) Instead of hard-coding the choices... O4WRadioButton("Small", "S", "SIZE") O4WRadioButton("Medium", "M", "SIZE") O4WRadioButton("Large", "L", "SIZE")'s better to drive this from the constants we declared at the top (so we can change them without changing the program logic) */ NUM.SIZES = DCount(SizeList$, ",") For each.size = 1 To num.sizes this.size = Field(SizeList$, ",", each.size) this.code = Field(SizeCode$, ",", each.size) O4WRadioButton(this.size, this.code, "SIZE") Next each.size O4WSetCell(7) O4WText("Toppings:") O4WSetCell() /* Display a list of toppings as checkboxes (allowing multiple choices) Instead of hard-coding the choices... O4WCheckBox("Pepperoni", "P", "TOPPINGS") O4WBreak() O4WCheckBox("Sausage", "S", "TOPPINGS") O4WBreak() O4WCheckBox("Extra Cheese", "C", "TOPPINGS") O4WBreak() O4WCheckBox("Mushrooms", "M", "TOPPINGS")'s better to drive this from the constants we declared at the top (so we can change them without changing the program logic) */ NUM.TOPPINGS = DCount(ToppingList$, ",") For each.topping = 1 To num.toppings this.topping = Field(ToppingList$, ",", each.topping) this.code = Field(ToppingCode$, ",", each.topping) O4WCheckBox(this.topping, this.code, "TOPPINGS") O4WBreak() Next each.topping * End the table O4WTableEnd("mainTable") O4WBreak() * Display a button for them to submit the order O4WButton("Order!", "BTNORDER") * Tell O4W you wish to be notified when the user clicks on this button O4WQualifyEvent("BTNORDER", "CLICK") * Finish up the main section we defined O4WSectionEnd('mainSection') * create a special area for us to use when displaying some response to the user * nothing goes in it now, but we may fill it in later O4WSectionStart('responseArea') O4WSectionEnd('responseArea') RETURN CLICK_EVENT: * Click event - called when the button is pressed * Tell O4W we'll be generating a response updating the current form (as opposed to making a whole new form) O4WResponse() * Read in all the values ADD1 = O4WGetValue("ADD1") ADD2 = O4WGetValue("ADD2") CITY = O4WGetValue("CITY") STATE = O4WGetValue("STATE") ZIP = O4WGetValue("ZIP") * 'SIZE' will return the S/M/L code from the SIZE radio buttons SIZE = O4WGetValue("SIZE") * 'TOPPINGS' will return an @VM-delimited list of the selected toppings TOPPING = O4WGetValue("TOPPINGS") * Calculate the price from the toppings and size selected, using the equated list locate size In SizeCode$ Using "," Setting pos Then cost = Field(SizeCost$,",",pos) End Else * Couldn't find the size in the list? Report an error to the customer O4WError("We're sorry, but the size '":size:"' doesn't appear to be valid!") Return End * Now find each of the toppings in the equated list num.toppings = dcount(topping, @VM) For each.topping = 1 To num.toppings this.topping = topping<1,each.topping> Locate this.topping In ToppingCode$ Using "," Setting pos Then cost += Field(ToppingCost$, ",", pos) End Else * Couldn't find the topping in the list? Report an error O4WError("We're sorry, but the topping '":this.topping:"' doesn't appear to be valid!") End Next each.topping * In a 'real' application, you'd now write all the information we collected into a database somewhere orderNum = DATE():"*":TIME() * <WRITE INFORMATION HERE> * Notify the customer that his order has been received, and give him/her the total * We'll put this information into our 'responseArea' * Note that we use a special style so that O4W knows we're updating the previously-defined area (and not asking to create a new one) O4WSectionStart('responseArea', O4WResponseStyle()) O4WHeader('Your order number is ':orderNum, 4) O4WBreak() O4WText('Thank you for your order! Your order total is ':OCONV(cost,'MD2,$'):'.') O4WBreak() O4WText('Please press ') * Build a 'link' to return to the home page O4WLink('here', O4W_LINKTYPE_NORMAL$, '') O4WText(' to return to the home page') O4WSectionEnd('responseArea') * Display this area as a 'dialog box' to the user O4WDialog('responseArea', 'Thank You') RETURN