Table of Contents

O4WGraphStart routine


Begins the graph definition process.




The function has the following parameters:

idThe name of a previously-defined section (created using O4WSectionStart/O4WSectionEnd, or defined in the style sheet).

Note that the section should be specified with an actual pixel size using the O4WSizeStyle (ie, O4WSizeStyle('','600px','400px')) or through a stylesheet; failure to define the section with a pixel size will cause the graph to fail)

(Note that, if the graph is to be displayed on a multi-tab form, and the graph is not on the first tab, the size _cannot_ be determined from the section; therefor, the tab where the graph is to be drawn should be 'activated', otherwise the sizing of the graph will not be correct).
titleIf specified, is displayed as the graph title.
typeone or more of the following graph types: O4W_GRAPH_LINE$, O4W_GRAPH_POINT$, O4W_GRAPH_BAR$, O4W_GRAPH_PIE$, O4W_GRAPH_HORIZONTAL_BAR$, O4W_STACKED_LINE$, O4W_STACKED_BAR$, or O4W_STACKED_HORIZONTAL_BAR$. If more than one "series" of data points is to be used for this graph, you may specify a graph type for each series (@FM delimited).
seriesNameIdentifies, on the graph, the 'series' that the data points belong to; if multiple series are to be used on the graph, multiple series names should be specified (@FM delimited), and the series names will be used to identify each series in a 'legend' on the graph.

<XOptions> and <YOptions> control additional options (@FM-delimited) for the x and y axis, respectively. Either may contain the code "F", optionally followed by a prefix character, and then the number of decimal values to display (for example, "F3" to show 3 decimals; "F0" to show no decimals; "F$2" to show a dollar-sign prefix and 2 decimals), or the code "D" (to specify that this is a date series on the axis), and/or the code "M" followed by a number (to specify the minimum value to show on that axis), and/or the code "X" followed by a number (to specify the maximum value to show on that axis).
styleInfoIf specified, may contain the code "B" (to suppress the border ("B0") or change the border width "B"<number>") around the graph), and/or "Z" (to disable "zooming" on the graph data), and/or "L" (to explicitly enable ("L1") or disable ("L0") the display of legends), and/or "C" followed by a number (to 'combine' smaller slices in a pie chart - the number (from 0-1) specifies the minimum percentage value to show as an individual slice).


O4WGraphData creates the data for the graph. O4WGraphEnd will display the graph.

See Also

O4WGraphData, O4WGraphEnd