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O4WInputBoxOptions routine


O4WInputBoxOptions can be applied to an O4WTextBox, and adds support for enhanced (HTML5) input controls.


O4WInputBoxOptions(typeOption, minValue, maxValue, stepValue, placeholder, bRequiredFlag, bAutoFocusFlag)


The function has the following parameters:

typeOptionCan be any valid HTML5 input type, currently including "email", "url", "number", "range", "search", "date", "month", "week", "time", "datetime", "datetime-local", and "color".
minValueWhen specified, defines the minimum allowed value.
maxValueWhen specified, defines the maximum allowed value.
stepValueWhen specified, defines the incrementing step.
placeHolderHelp text that is displayed inside the input control
bRequiredFlagMarks the control as required.
bAutoFocusFlagSets the focus to the control.


Note that O4WNumberBox is a combination of O4WTextBox and O4WInputBoxOptions("number"), and may be used as a shortcut for numeric input.

See Also

O4WTextBox routine, O4WNumberBox routine