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O4WPositionStyle routine


Allows you to define a style, for those elements that allow for positioning, specifying a value for the left and top locations of the element.


O4WPositionStyle(stylename, left, top, posType, floatType, clearType)


The function has the following parameters:

stylenameThe name of the style.
leftThe number of pixels from left.
topThe number of pixels from top.
posTypeIf the posType is set to "ABSOLUTE" then the position left/top position is absolute postion on the page.

If the posType is set to "RELATIVE" or not set, the position is relative to the element's parent.
floatTypeYou can also specify a floattype in addition to, or instead of, other positioning parameters; specify 'left' or 'right' (or any valid 'float' style). Since 'floating' the element will remove it from the normal layout, to preserve the sizing of any containing section, you may create a dummy element with cleartype specified (for example, 'both') to retain the proper element flow.


Returns the style information (to use immediately with a display element or input control), and (if <stylename> is not null) defines the style by the stylename for use with one or more elements and input controls.