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O4WTableAddRow Function


This routine will add a row to a table.


O4WTableAddRow(tableName, rowNumber, uniqueID)


The function has the following parameters:

tableNameThe name of the table.
rowNumberThe rowNumber is the row number you wish to insert; use "0" to add a new first row, and "-1" to append a new row. All controls, sections, styles, etc. will be copied into the new row.
uniqueIdAny named controls, sections, etc. will be renamed using the value provided in 'uniqueID'; the new IDs will be formed from the ID of the copied control, with "_o4wid_":uniqueID concatenated to the end.

See Also

O4WTableStart, O4WTableEnd, O4WTableHeader, O4WSetCell, O4WTableModify, O4WTableAddCol, O4WTableDelRow, O4WTableDelCol