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O4WTextArea routine


Creates an input "text area" on the web page at the current location.


O4WTextArea(text, cols, rows, wrap, name, id, style)


The function has the following parameters:

textThe default text.
colsThe number of characters within the each row of the text area. If not specified, the default value is 20.
rowsThe number of rows within the text area. If not specified, the default value is 5.
wrapThe type of word wrapping:
0 - No wrap. Default
1 - Soft wrap.
2 - Hard wrap.
idThe name of the text area. This text area can also be addressed through style sheets individually by the id.
styleWhen specified, the style is applied to the text area that is generated.

Note that the style can be either the name of a style (as created by one of the O4W style functions, or as defined in an included style sheet), or it can be the returned value from one of the O4W style functions.