Filing System

Linear Hash Management


To manage your tables in a specific application select the Application and enter the password for the administrative user.


From this screen the System Administrator can create new statistics for this application by clicking the Generate Statistics button. The display of system tables is optional. Table Details can be accessed by clicking on the Table Name.


The statistics for the selected table are displayed along with a graph of Modulo Distribution. The System Administrator can then resize a table by entering table parameters by clicking the Resize button.


The following table properties can be modified:

• Framesize

• Threshold

• Expected Avg Size

• Expected Record Count

Click the Yes, proceed button to resize your table. Please make sure that the table is NOT in use prior to resizing!


The table will be resized using the new table properties.


The Modulo Distribution and Ratio have changed in the example above.

DBT Utility


Select the DBT you want to manage from the drop down list.


The BFS List/Volume information will display for the DBT selected.


Click on a Volume to see the table information within that volume.


If there is corruption within that volume the corrupted items will display in red. Click the Repair DBT button to fix the corrupt DBT.



To create your connection to a MultiValue data source select the application to update and enter the password for the administrative user for the selected application.


Enter the name of the Volume you want to create for this connection.


Select the MultiValue platform you want to connect to (e.g. D3, UNIVERSE, UNIDATA, QM).

The Shadow Dictionary Location will pre-populate using your Volume name.

Enter the MultiValue hostname.

The port will pre-populate dependent upon the MultiValue platform you have selected.

Enter the account name on the MultiValue system that you want to connect to.


Enter the Login name for the application selected.

Enter the Password for the Application and Login name selected if applicable.

Enter the name of a Login Procedure if applicable.


Select the tables you want to use for this connection.


Click the Save button to create this connection.


The OI Console will display Linking/Unlinking messages as the connection is being created or updated.


You can view your attached tables from the MultiValue source from Filing System, Tables and Indices. Note the tables from the MultiValue source will have a volume name starting with MVBFS*Volume Name.

Once the connection has been created you can use any attached table from a MultiValue source as if it is native to OpenInsight.

Cloud BFS


To create your connection to a Cloud data source select the application to update and enter the password for the administrative user for the selected application.


Enter the Connection Name. The BFS currently defaults to CBBFS which is the Couchbase Base Filing System.

The Schema (bucket) we are attaching in this example is: beer-sample. For Couchbase, a bucket is a collection of documents, similar to a folder in MS-DOS or a volume in OpenInsight.

The Platform choices are: COUCHBASE and HASHTABLE. Couchbase will create a connection to your Couchbase server, HASHTABLE will create a connection to an in-memory filing system. The remaining parameters only apply to Couchbase.

Enter the Hostname of the Cloud-based database.

The Design document defaults to rti_revmedia. Do not change this.

The default Port number for Couchbase is: 8092. This is the default port for a Couchbase installation, you should not need to change it unless you chose a different port The default Port number for the Admin is: 8091.

The User name and Password are the credentials created within Couchbase.

The Storage Type options are: Base64, JSON, Encrypted. Base64 stores records in Couchbase as base64 encoded strings. This is the fastest method for OpenInsight, but not friendly to other applications. Base64 supports SI.MFS, but not Couchbase native indexes. Encrypted is similar to Base64, but each row is encrypted, so they can only be decrypted by your application. Encryption will decrease performance. Encryption does not support SI.MFS. JSON stores records in a format which is readable by other applications designed to consume Couchbase data. JSON performance is slower than Base64. JSON allows Couchbase indexes, but not SI.MFS

The Lock Method choices are: Optimistic and Pessimistic.

The Table attribute defaults to: rti_table. Do not change this.

The @ID attribute defaults to: rti_atid. Do not change this.

The @Record attribute defaults to: rti_atrecord. Do not change this.


After the Save button hit clicked the connection details will be updated.


Click the ATTACH button to attach the volume for use with OpenInsight.


If the volume has attached successfully the above message will display.


The Couchbase administrative login screen.


The Couchbase console.



To create your connection to a SQL data source select the application to update and enter the password for the administrative user for the selected application.


Enter a New Volume Name or select an existing Volume Name.


The Shadow Dictionary Location will pre-populate using your Volume name.


Enter the ConnectionString (If you do not know your connection string information, it is best to create the connection from the OpenInsight IDE and then manage the connection from the OI Console).

Enter the SQL Catalog name you want to connect to.


You can choose between Integrated or Specified Credentials to log into the SQL environment.

Click the Save button to establish the connection.


Select the SQL tables to link to OpenInsight.


Click the Continue button on the Table Manager tab.


On the Volume Manager tab, click the Save button to save your SQL Connection Configuration details and attach all selected tables to OpenInsight.

Account Creation


Enter the name of the application to create, the password for the application’s owner (must meet policy requirements), and select the application to inherit from.

Click the Create Application button.


A message will display alerting you that the application has been created. Your user password must be reset after the next logon.

Tables and Indices


Select the application whose tables and indices you would like to maintain. Enter the password for the administrative user for the application selected and press the Go button.


The Currently Attached tab displays all tables attached to the application that the OI Console is logged into. You can sort the columns by clicking on the column name.


From the Attach Tables tab you can attach tables to the application that the OI Console is logged into. Select by Volume or Directory.


Select the table you want to attach to the application that the OI Console is logged into and click the Attach Table(s) button.


From the Detach Tables tab you can detach tables from the application that the OIConsole is logged into.


Select the table you want to detach from the application that the OI Console is logged into and click the Detach Selected Table(s) button.


From the Create Table tab you can create tables. Enter the table name in the text box provided. Choose the location for the new table either by Volume or Directory. Select the application that owns this table. Enter your estimated table sizes and click the Create Table button.


From the Dictionaries tab you can add, modify or delete dictionary items.


Above is the property form for editing or creating a dictionary data field.


Above are the properties for Calculated Columns.


Above is the property form for editing or creating a dictionary calculated field.


From the Indices tab you can add, update or remove indexes. Select the table you want to provide index maintenance on.


To add an index choose the column to index, and select the type of index to create. Click to Proceed button to create the index.