Management Dashboard

EngineServer Statistics


Longest requests: The blue line will display the longest request during that period of time in milliseconds. The red line will display the longest request for any phantom process during that time period in milliseconds.

Oldest Engine:

Number of Requests: The blue line is the total number of requests to all the Oengines running during that period of time. The red line is the maximum number of simultaneous requests during that same period.

Avg. Number of Engines: This shows us for the specified time interval the average number of Abandoned Engines (purple), Phantom Engines (green), Synchronous Engines (yellow), Active Asynchronous Engines (red), and Available Asynchronous Engines (blue). The Abandoned and Synchronous Engines are used by CTO and Arev32 processes for example. The Asynchronous Engines are used by O4W and OECGI4 processes. The Phantom Engines may be used by the EngineServer itself or by Asynchronous or Synchronous processes.


Senders represent statistical generating engine servers. The listener server is the receiver of the statistical information. In the case above the listener server and the sender are the same engine server. This is typical of most sites. If we have multiple engine servers generating statistics the listener server shows the overall statistics of all senders and you can view the individual statistics by selecting each sender. Each sender can be given its own unique abbreviation. This is done from the eServer Configuration screen (Statistics Server tab).

When the engine server statistics are initially displayed we show statistics for the last week by hour. Clicking the links at the bottom let you change the resolution of the statistics that are displayed.

Filing System Graph - All Applications


A graphical overview of all your file statistics by: Worst Sized, Most Overflow, Biggest Files By Bytes and Biggest Files By Records.

Filing System Graph - Specific Application


You can display your graphic data by specific application. The date and time the statistics were generated display in the selection.


Above is the filing size information for the EXAMPLES application.

Filing System Report


A detail File Statistics report can be generated for all applications or a specific application.


This report is useful in determining poorly hashed tables which can effect system performance.