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BLOCKEVENTS property (System)


Enabled or disables the Presentation Server from generating and dispatching events (except for CLOSE events).

Property Value

This property is a boolean value. When set to TRUE$ no events will be raised by the Presentation Server except for any CLOSE events. When set to FALSE$ all events are generated as normal and dispatched to OpenEngine for processing.

Property Traits



This property was originally called BLOCK_EVENTS in previous versions of OpenInsight. BLOCK_EVENTS is now an alias to this property to preserve backwards compatibility.


$Insert Logical


   * // Prevent any events (like GOTFOCUS and LOSTFOCUS) from firing

   * // while we move the focus.


   ObjxArray =        "SYSTEM"

   PropArray =        "BLOCKEVENTS"

   DataArray =        TRUE$


   ObjxArray := @Rm : "SYSTEM"

   PropArray := @Rm : "FOCUS"

   DataArray := @Rm : @Window : ".EDL_SURNAME"


   ObjxArray := @Rm : "SYSTEM"

   PropArray := @Rm : "BLOCKEVENTS"

   DataArray := @Rm : FALSE$


   Call Set_Property_Only( ObjxArray, PropArray, DataArray )

See Also

HOLDEVENTS property, MODAL property