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Get_Property function


Returns the current value of a specified property for an object.


Value = Get_Property( Object, Property, Index )


ObjectYesIdentifier of the object to access. Must be in upper-case.
MethodYesName of the property to access. Must be in upper-case.
IndexNoIf the requested property supports indexing then this parameter specifies the index value(s). Indexed properties can have one or two dimensions – if the latter then the dimensions are @fm-delimited.

<1> First dimension

<2> Second dimension

The actual index values themselves are specific to the property in question. In most cases they will be numeric, but some properties can handle quoted text values as well.


Returns the current property value. If an invalid object or property name is specified then an empty string (null) is returned. No error condition is flagged.




Get_Property supports the property concatenation interface described in Appendix A – Concatenating Properties.


* // Get the text of the current window

   WinText = Get_Property( @Window, "TEXT" )


   * // Get the current value of the RBN_GENDER radiobutton group on the current

   * // window

   Gender = Get_Property( @Window : ".RBN_GENDER", "VALUE" )


   * // Get the text of the third tab for TAB_MAIN using a numeric index value

   TabText = Get_Property( @Window : ".TAB_MAIN.TABS", "TEXT", 3 )


   * // Get the value of the "Events" tab for TAB_MAIN using a literal index value

   TabText = Get_Property( @Window : ".TAB_MAIN.TABS", "VALUE", "Events" )

See Also

Set_Property, Set_Property_Only, Appendix A – Concatenating Properties.